Harry bellatrix narcissa andromeda fanfiction. " She said and Andromeda gaped at her.

Harry bellatrix narcissa andromeda fanfiction Cissy and Andy, this is Harry Peverell. Many say Andromeda and Bellatrix are clones of each other, same hair, face and smile but different fates. Dom Bellatrix Black; No Boy-Who-Lived (Harry Potter) Black Hat Trick; Foursome - F/F/F/F; Blackcest (Harry Potter) Hermione Granger/Narcissa Black Malfoy/Andromeda Black Tonks (3) Exclude Additional Tags Blackcest | Black Family Incest (Harry Potter) (16) Sibling Incest (13) Incest (8) Try What We Lost by JacobApples aka AppoApples for some Harry/Andromeda, and Pet Death by justbored21 for some Harry/Narcissa. I love you. Harry and Bellatrix woke up a few hours later. Bellatrix watched her sister Andromeda leave the compartment, leaving her and Narcissa alone. The Challenge: "Lily Potter is the sister of Druella Rosier and have Harry be raised by Narcissa, Andromeda, and Bellatrix. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 11,213 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 210 - Follows: 281 - Updated: 1/4/2023 Narcissa, Andromeda, and Bellatrix sit down and talk about the next generation and Sirius Black Rated: Fiction T - English - Bellatrix L. While it was true that she, Andromeda and Narcissa had loved each other very much and had been each other's firsts in many ways, they were also extremely possessive of the ones they loved, and more than once had fought over a girl while they were still in school. Harry felt more rested now, Bellatrix roused after feeling him move. At this point of their lives, Bellatrix was an auror and Narcissa a potions master, but even with their studies and skepticism they already believed in the prophecy, they tried to contact their older sister again, Bellatrix was still mad at her, Narcissa was more open, she actually admired her older sister, even if it didn't work, she escaped "That's great Harry, who's the lucky lady?" asked Andromeda. net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: LF Harry/Lily/Narcissa/Bellatrix time travel fic "It's Ted's," Andromeda added in a barely audible voice. " Narcissa seemed wrong-footed, clearly uncomfortable with mentioning anything that might be painful. " "A pleasure to meet you, Peverell. " Andromeda Tonks's home was beautiful, friendly, and cozy. Narcissa n'était pas décédée mais maintenant Androméda comprenait la raison qui l'avait poussé à venir. Harry disapparated. "It's Hydrus! And I don't care, she's trying to steal him from me!" Bellatrix hissed. "Ok. Blood says you and Narcissa and-" She winces. Bellatrix, evidently appreciating the effort, couldn't help but cast admiring glances his way. - Words: 1,374 Complete - id: 9317238 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten P. Harry and Narcissa did so, both smiling somewhat nervously. Narcissa walked down the corridor until she found the compartment where Bellatrix and Andromeda were seated, Andromeda having saved a seat for her. " Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Tragedy - Bellatrix L. "I, Lord Harry Peverell, do take Narcissa Black" "I, Lord Harry Peverell, do take Narcissa Black," Harry repeated. ' Narcissa shifted June 22nd, 1969. Hermione, you and Bellatrix will be rooming together, she's also the Prefect, so if you have any questions, she can help you. FanFiction | unleash Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - Harry P. " Harry nodded and rose to follow her out, he was surprised when Andromeda didn't lead him to the waiting room, but instead took him to a different room. " Sirius waves at him. The booth shuddered before it began to descend into the sideway. That gift? Hermione. Anyway, it is fine as long as Andromeda stays with you. " Just then, Narcissa sidled over. She cleared her throat softly, gaining his attention, "Harry? Would you please follow me. "My friend Luna set it up. Mother and Aunt Walburga have been giving me dirty looks ever since they arrived. Flung into 1977, Harry finds himself entwined with a young Bellatrix Black in a world at the crossroads of chaos & hope. Lupin was to overcome by the statement to say anymore and simply nodded as the emotions swirled in his eyes. Bellatrix blushed a little at that. " After the final Battle of Hogwarts, Narcissa tries to make amends with her older sister Andromeda. "That's because she has it bad for some Hufflepuff named Tonks!" Bella laughed at her sister Andi who maturely stuck her tongue out at her. Naturalmente, ni Bella ni Andy podrían dejar las cosas así. It seemed that their group's duel had been a lot more messy than others, and his new peers were staring at them, or more specifically, at him. "Please put on your visitor badges and have a wonderful day. Bellatrix was the next to break out of her stupor. Yours, Andromeda. A/N for the story: If you want a frequently updated, short, or fast-paced fiction, go elsewhere. Narcissa didn't dare move as though worried any movement might trigger a vicious Thrust back in time Harry wants to destroy Voldemort. I'm sorry I missed dinner, Draco. Part 1 of Mors Aeterna; Language: English Narcissa Black Malfoy/Harry Potter; Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Harry Potter; Harry Potter & Andromeda Black Tonks; Harry Potter & Andromeda Black Tonks; Narcissa Black Malfoy & Andromeda Black Tonks; FanFiction | unleash Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Drama - Lucius M. Harry started renting it just before the war, incase they needed an emergancy Narcissa, Bellatrix. Not a bad person, but a good person most certainly having fun being bad. A sharp and sudden change that can have devastating effects. The park was situated just opposite the orders headquarters and with in minutes Snape was signalling on the Currently, Bellatrix herself was quite cheerful, mostly around her sisters Andromeda and Narcissa. Narcissa slipped a nightgown onto Bellatrix, she and Andromeda exchange looks of worry as they too took note of Bellatrix's physical condition. -¿Desde cuándo importa algo que no seamos nosotras tres? Pero tú eres Bellatrix, yo soy Andrómeda, y ella es Narcissa. Harry nodded. "I would change it all if I could. Narcissa Black wants a better life than marriage to Lucius. He pointed his wand to the one in place of Andromeda and said, "I, Harry James Potter, the head of the Noble and most Ancient House of Black, reinstate Andromeda Tonks back into the family. Cross-Posted on FanFiction. Wind Shear by Chilord. "She was, however, absurdly powerful, to such a degree that her magic sometimes overwhelmed her. Harry, Ron, Draco and Tonks ended landing in a small lake not far from Hermione and Narcissa, all four drenched in freezing cold water not helped by the still pelting rain while Severus, Lucius, Andromeda and Bellatrix landed with grace. She noticed that the returned hug, although warm, was rather hesitant. You need only repeat after me. - Words: 1,233 - Published: 38m - Status: Complete - id: 14439335 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten The sitting room of Malfoy Manor, ordinarily so grand and imposing, felt unusually warm that evening. They were looking at a pair of envelopes that had yet Hary Potter/Amdromeda Black/Bellatrix Black/Narcissa Black; Andromeda Black Tonks; Harry Potter; Bellatrix Black Lestrange; Narcissa Black Malfoy; Angst with a Happy Ending; Andromeda's lips twitched, but she let the jab slide. Why did his insides squirm as he read this letter? His thoughts flitted back to the beautiful brown haired girl. If you a) ship Androtrix, b) fancied Andromeda in Shards of Nuance, c) need to feast on some angst, or d) just need something weird to shake things up - this story is for you :) Re ship tags: yes, I ship Bellatrix and Andromeda, but also I stand firm with Andromeda/Ted. I'd stop him from hurting you, and—and—" "Andromeda," Bellatrix whispered. Bellatrix dispelled the ropes around Narcissa, and Harry watched as the rest of the room recovered. When a Harry Potter that didn't follow the path of the Epilogue finds himself suddenly thrown into 1970, he settles into a muggle pub to enjoy a nice drink and figure out what he should do with the situation. "You were busy. Take care of them, Harry. "An Avada to Father's chest would make me very happy," Bellatrix answered promptly, and Narcissa squeezed her shoulder sympathetically. - Chapters: 37 - Words: 277,162 - Reviews: Andromeda said wistfully. ] - Chapters: 51 - Words: Sitting in a chair Narcissa watched as Andromeda conferred with the Matron. Bellatrix and Narcissa ended up having twins, even though there have never been any twins in their family. " "So" asked Draco as he sat down beside his mother. His eldest, Andromeda had escaped her fate, she had chosen exile Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Narcissa Black Malfoy/Harry Potter (9) Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter (6) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (4) Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks (4) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (3) Pansy Parkinson/Harry Potter (3) Susan Bones/Harry Potter (3) Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter (3) Narcissa Black Malfoy/Harry Potter (3) Bellatrix "Tía Walburga, ¿dónde está la estrella Narcissa?". I hope you can forgive me. It was difficult. - Pourquoi est-tu venue ? - Le deuil, répondit simplement Androméda. FanFiction | unleash Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - [Harry P. net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 35 | Words: 347,072 | Reviews: 3,296 | Favs: 9,489 | Follows: 9,613 | Updated: Nov Having forcibly barged into Harry's house, Bellatrix gives Harry lessons in the Dark Arts for her own purposes, but perhaps it is he who will teach her that love is stronger than manipulation. "You may call me Narcissa. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family - Harry P. " The line went dead, and Harry heard the badges drop into the change slot. "Come with me" he said. "Well, I think we can call that a success," Harry smiled, wrapping an arm around Bellatrix's and Narcissa's shoulders. Harry, Ron, Andy and I can then work on the cabinet right under his nose while Narcissa and Bellatrix locate and fix up the twin cabinet. " All Andromeda could manage was, "But Narcissa's not my sister. Harry Potter/Andromeda Black Tonks (77) Narcissa Black Malfoy/Harry Potter (46) Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks (44) Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter (36) Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Harry Potter (34) Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter (32) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (29) Amelia Bones/Harry Potter (26) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (22) Susan Bones/Harry "The Greengrass family," Bellatrix grunted, a sour look on her face. " Bellatrix for her part kissed Harry in greeting. "Congratulations are in order then, congratulations Andromeda, Edward," Harry said to the two. Harry spit out his pumpkin When she was ready, she felt Bellatrix kneel behind her, resting the tip of her cock at her loosened hole as Andromeda shifted out of the way for Narcissa who wasted no time in lying herself down under both Hermione and Bellatrix, pulling them down so her own cock was positioned at the entrance of the Omega's dripping hot pussy. Bellatrix Black is, to most wizards and witches, the colour black she drowns in and her pale skin stands out against. " Bellatrix smiled at him as he sat, before looking at the two girls across from them. Apparently, she didn't like the way his other aunt was reacting to the situation. Once she was in the nightgown, Andromeda turned her so she could lie down, and she collapsed on the pillows, falling into a peaceful slumber mere moments after her head came to rest. „They hate each others guts though. Everyone moved forward again– Andromeda sat on the bed by Bellatrix's hip, Narcissa sat in the chair by the bed, and Ted stood at the foot of the bed. "It really is okay, Mrs Tonks. - Words: 1,049 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 2 - Published: 2/3 - Status: Complete - id: 14437546 Yes, Queen Hela, I was just having one last chat with Harry and making sure he was mentally ready to go," Arthur said, giving Harry a wink. " Narcissa said with a wink. "Oh Bella," Andromeda said moving towards her sister, grasping Bellatrix's arm and looping her own through it as they began to move towards the cellar Narcissa, you know, being your sister. " Andromeda explained as she met them, "I'm not sure why though. "Bellatrix, the girl is near enough Harry's age," Andromeda pointed out. "I assume that you must be Mr Evanson. Harry quickly cleared his and Andromeda's use of the apparition point with the desk officer and just as quickly Harry turned on the spot with Narcissa in his arms and disappeared with a small pop of displaced air with Andromeda following a second behind. The letter hit him harder than he expected. , Andromeda T. Books Harry Potter. "You dare challenge me, Andy?" Bellatrix said in a low, quiet voice. " "Yeah, I can that, with you looking nearly identical 'cept the eyes. Harry looked at the tapestry and studied all the black marks. She also knew that Narcissa had her doubts about Bellatrix. And she was not really sure if she wanted to see her sister. "She killed her, Cissy," Andromeda's shoulders were shaking, "She Pairing(s): Hermione/Bellatrix, Hermione/Narcissa, Hermione/Andromeda. but the dread still lingered. Amidst ordeals Bellatrix and Narcissa want to give Andromeda a gift for not talking to her for 25 years. 'Fuck. "That is exactly what I feared, you know," Andromeda whispered and faced Harry. She's a transfer student. "Er, Harry Potter and Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Andromeda Black here for a meeting with Head Auror Bones," he said. By: Linxcat. She raised her eyebrow as the blonde sat down next to her. S - Harry Potter and all related characters are property of J. Narcissa crawled between his legs and lowered her head. While she at this point did have some animosity towards Muggles and Muggleborns, she was not sadistic, but mostly caring, towards her own sisters of course. "I was given a letter stating that I needed to be here. Andromeda raised her eyebrows at this. I will explain it in the story but the idea is that as Voldemort possessed him the horcrux re-attached itself to good ol' Tom, freeing Harry from it and also explaining the changes within him. "Andromeda!" Narcissa gasped, jumping up and embracing her sister at once. "Bellatrix Lestrange. Apparently, she owns a wizard matchmaking service that is pretty popular. I am sorry. " "She- I- Not my sister. Andromeda saw that she had signed her letter with Black and not with Malfoy. "He takes after his mother," Andromeda smiled, proud of the little metamorphagus. Aunt Andromeda bit her lip while Narcissa Harry had heard things about Bellatrix from both Narcissa and Andromeda over the years, but something felt different in this moment, so he said nothing to interrupt as she revealed things he wasn't sure he wanted to hear. Como levitar por algunos segundos y el más asombroso, hacer levitar las cosas. Très unies jusqu'au jour où Dromeda c'est rendu compte que les moldus et nés-moldus n'était pas comme on leurs faisait croire dans sa famille Andromeda s'apprêtait à rejoindre Harry lorsque Narcissa reprit la parole. The Horcrux within Harry will be dealt with immediately because it is one of those annoying little sticklers that needs to be addressed. So Narcissa sat up, picked up the jewel-encrusted hairbrush that Lucius Malfoy had given her last year, and After Sirius, Regulus, and Narcissa wrote to him, claiming they received a vision from the future and asking him to provide a Pensieve to verify their claims, Arcturus invited the three Blacks in addition to Bellatrix, and to everyone's surprise, Andromeda to meet him at his house. Elle voulait effacer Bellatrix de sa vie. Teddy Lupin, Harry's godson, was busy laughing like a little elf , flying around on a toy broomstick, and making a general nuisance of himself. Harry identified Bellatrix, Narcissa, Andromeda and Sirius accompanied by three older people. " "Not really. But she also knew that Narcissa didn't know that Bella was Bellatrix. "I'm sorry" muttered Harry. Site: fanfiction. Teddy's hair suddenly turned orange and Narcissa jumped back, startled. Bellatrix dived and caught her by the ankles, making Andromeda topple onto her front. Bellatrix, Andromeda et Narcissa, ou les soeur Black comme on les appelaient souvent, était très unies. , Bellatrix L powerful families. " Hermione was embarrassed by her reaction, now Bellatrix knew for sure about her crush. " Narcissa said formally from across the table. "In strength and in weakness" Andromeda laughed as Bellatrix exhaled loudly and brushed some hair out of her face as Narcissa glanced behind them nervously, worried that Bellatrix's voice might have carried to the parlor. It was so unlike anything of her sisters that Harry couldn't hardly believe she was related to either Bellatrix or Narcissa. 'Still,' she mused, 'with how important blood purity was to you, I'd have thought you'd want an heir. Harry felt something cold settle near his chest. They both figured it was from Lucius and Rodolphus sides of the family. Y sé que es una tontería, pero quiero ver el cielo y vernos a las tres, juntas, como debemos estar. "Me too. Pero Bellatrix nunca dejaría que le quitaran a su hermoso Harry, su hijo, como Bellatrix y Narcissa ahora llamaban a Harry, era tan poderoso, tan solo habían bastado veinticuatro horas con él, para que Harry tuviera pequeños incidentes de magia accidental. I slept fine in the hospital. "Congratulations about being sorted into Slytherin. The girl was in a most irritating clingy Harry stepped into the clearing. The rest of the journey continued undisturbedly; the compartment was joined by Alecto Carrow, who was a year older than Bellatrix, who continued to talk about Hardian Peverell. We will be in the school to let in your followers father" and despite every instinct within her demanding that she kept the daughter she had only recently been reunited with close she could see the logic in Rated: Fiction T - English - Bellatrix L. Language: English Words: 1,382 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 1 Kudos: 144 Andromeda Black Tonks (64) Harry Potter (37) Draco Malfoy (31) Ron Weasley (27) Nymphadora Tonks (22) Albus Dumbledore (22) Andromeda watched Narcissa walk towards her with a skip in her step. K. That makes you Harry's Uncle in all but blood," Morgan answered as if it was obvious and to the Werewolf's surprise not only did Sirius agree but it seemed Narcissa and Andromeda did as well. Narcissa smiled at her sister. Inspired by aweasleyjumper's story "three little girls. Thank you immensely to everyone who has read, favourited alerted or reviewed this! :) FanFiction | unleash Rated: Fiction T - English - Tragedy/Angst - Bellatrix L. Series. Bellatrix nodded in reply, and the nurse left after writing a few things in Bella's chart. " Harris. Linkffn(6716552) Linkffn(13513388) linkffn(13861091) Harry/Narcissa. Emerging from the fireplace into the manor's arrival room, Harry found himself clad in finely tailored dress robes, a choice insisted upon by Andromeda to ensure a sense of formality. Bellatrix, seeing Andromeda's movement raised an eyebrow. Even if he was quite furious at Narcissa and hated Bellatrix with a passion, he couldn't let Andromeda attack Narcissa. But their memories remain forever. It was before the First Wizarding War, but not long before. " "Hermione, this is Narcissa, Andromeda, and Bellatrix Black," Dumbledore said, gesturing to each of them and earning a small wave in return, "Narcissa, Andromeda, Bellatrix, this is Hermione. "Good, the Gatekeeper does not enjoy being kept waiting. HP/NM HP/BL unrequited HP/MM. I have plans for this to be a lengthy piece, with some semblance of reason behind our favorite ladies jumping in bed together, rather than the usual pshhh, the attraction is Bellatrix and Narcissa want to give Andromeda a gift for not talking to her for 25 years. Regardless! Enjoy, and Merry -Es por nosotras, Bella, por supuesto. Open seeing her older sister, Andromeda slapped her. , Narcissa M. "BUNDLE!" Narcissa screamed delightedly and Bellatrix jumped on top of her sister, and Narcissa jumped on top of Bellatrix. " Narcissa nodded reluctantly. "I kissed Harry. "Alright then, I suppose that's fair. A re-imagining of my original fanfiction, Mors Aeterna, Part One. Harem Fic. Elle ne voulait plus être affiliée aux Black. "You must be exhausted. " Narcissa smiled, "Actually, I think that color suits him. , James P. "Thank you," the witch said. Trembling as Narcissa's soft lips and warm tongue slid down the shaft of his enormous erection, he threaded his fingers through her thick, blonde hair and allowed her to set the pace. "T-That half-blood Riddle is You-Know-Who! How-! When-!" Narcissa screeched out, very much surprised and also ashamed that the pureblooded society including her family had been following a hypocrite the entire time. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 2,524 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 3 - Published: 4/26/2015 - Status "Sit down, Narcissa," said Andromeda, jumping up from the couch to guide her sister to it. Time Traveling Harry Potter goodness. c: I woke up and my first thought was '' I'm finally going to the Hogwarts Narcissa had been in a deep sleep when Andromeda knocked on the door, reminding her of the time and that the train for school left today. To Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa Black, the time Her involvement with the dark arts marks a turning point, deepening her attachment to the Dark Lord, but straining her relationships with her sisters, Narcissa and Andromeda. "What's the last thing you remember from yesterday?" Andromeda inquired. " Bellatrix tossed her hair and went to sit between Aunt Casseopeia and a heavily pregnant Aunt Dorea. Andromeda tried pushing them off, but their combined weight made it impossible. "It's one of Bellatrix's last weeks before she's an official young witch. - Chapters: 4 - Words: Bellatrix swung open her door, her black walls made the room entirely pitch black. - Chapters: 4 - Words: 3,527 Despite that, Bellatrix is rather OOC here, so apologies for that. Rowling. "Within the years, a lot of good and bad people have been lost. "I'm sorry," she whispered. Bellatrix grabbed his hand. Harry was the first one to recover from the news, standing up and approaching the two. Follow/Fav Turn Away. Smiling, Harry led them through the office and then past the wards, where he disapparated. The three Black sisters looked at him. Time-travel, Harry/Narcissa Site: fanfiction. "Oh. Narcissa giggled and Bella smirked. Narcissa and Bellatrix were shocked most of all due to knowing about the Slytherin young man when they were at Hogwarts. Andromeda ended up having a girl. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - [Harry P. I lost track of the days. I don't think that would be a good idea" Bellatrix was trying to think very hard about a solution, she didn't want to impose anymore than she had. Bellatrix and Narcissa has fraternal twins, both having a boy and Andromeda explained. It wasn't, but Draco and Hermione were not going to tell them that. " He said with his usual smirk. Taken away from society and raised by Lily, Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Molly, as well as Narcissa and Molly's daughters, Harry will use his gift to take the Wizarding World by storm, with the help of his ladies. Ten year old Bellatrix Black groaned and rolled over and buried her head deep under her pillow, and away from her eight year old sister Andromeda who was currently jumping on the end of Bellatrix's bed attempting to drive her older sister out of the bed. "Pregnant alright Tonks, you have a lot of work to do. " I will see you around, mate. "I dunno," Bella shrugged. Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa loved for different reasons, but they all loved someone in their lives. A chance meeting causes Bellatrix to question everything she The Black Trio: the tale of Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andromeda (on hiatus) Fanfiction. Narcissa was sitting there with her head in her hands, her body They were interrupted from their conversation when a group of people stood next to them. Ignores the whole timeline from there. Narcissa, more easily embarrassed, crept in to sit beside her mother. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 19,349 - Reviews: 112 - Favs: 337 - Follows: 172 - Updated: 8/7/2007 Harry with the help of Narcissa Malfoy time travels to past to change the future and save the wizarding world. Narcissa never hummed. From the corner of her eye, Andromeda saw Narcissa pouting dramatically and rolled her eyes. So, I really don't mind if Aunt Narcissa doesn't care for them. "Absolutely," Andromeda agreed with a grin. " "Narcissa and Draco have the dagger Bellatrix hurt you with and the knife she cut me with Bellatrix frowned, and for a moment, Andromeda was afraid that her older sister was going to throw an I-don't-want-to-share tantrum, and Bella was no fun when she was in a mood. She glanced up to where the luggage compartments were, and she attempted to lift her trunk to store it in its proper place, though she was struggling given her petite stature. Relationships are complicated, and that's what makes them exciting. FanFiction | unleash Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family - Bellatrix L. , Sirius B. " "Narcissa," Aunt Andromeda said looking at Harry. It was us, us three; Bella, Cissy and Dromeda. " When Harry exited his room for the last time, he found Morgana, Merlin, Lancelot and Hela all waiting. What is wrong with you?" She asked, her sister. Así que encontraré una estrella nueva y le pondré Narcissa. err, the Potters. He winked at Narcissa. As Narcissa and Andromeda were holding her, they came too. " "Of course you did," said Andromeda sympathetically. " Harry nodded and took a deep breath. A time displaced Harry Potter ripped from a war torn future appears before a conflicted Bellatrix and her sisters. Insomnia, not a Self Insert but a woman who was aware of the Harry Potter verse and getting shoved into Bellatrix's place knowing full well what was about to happen. So it was something that had to remain in the family. –su hermana la miró. " "Your friend is Madam Luvill Fyndu?" asked Andromeda in surprise. "I don't know anything about my parents. " Harry just wanted to know what was going on. On Narcissa's mother's other side, Andromeda bounced a three-year-old Sirius Harry and Narcissa left via his floo and were met at Gringotts by Bellatrix and Andromeda. Expect lemons. Tears welled in her eyes, but I knew they were not for Bellatrix. "Lord Peverell, I will begin with you. I kind of look at it abridged Alucard or maybe Dracula Dead and Loving It. "Don't be dramatic, she's five," Narcissa sighed. "But I wanted to wear a red dress-robe," Narcissa whined. "I see. - Chapters: 10 - Words: 49,063 - Reviews: But no, Bella just had to be difficult, Andromeda eager to escape away, and Narcissa hardly a social butterfly; which explained why Druella jumped at the chance to pass off her Pairing: Bellatrix/Hermione to start with but there will also be Hermione/Narcissa, Hermione/Andromeda and Bellatrix/Narcissa. She was humming. Ch 6: Andrómeda sonreía por sobre el pelo rubio, y años después, una noche en la oscuridad, podría jurar que había visto a Bellatrix llorar cuando Narcissa susurró "ahora sí podremos estar juntas para siempre". Narcissa watched her sister with amusement. Narcissa needs to speak to you. Andromeda nodded, though inside she couldn't help but shiver. Soon, a goblin came and took them to the Black family vault. "Bellatrix won't ever be going back to him, you have my word. Harry/Bellatrix, Grey Harry, Evil Dumbledore, AD/MM bashing. Andromeda Tonks is sweeter, softer and the warmest of browns, compared to her nearly identical sister, Bellatrix. " Greetings, Narcissa Black. "Harry, these are my sisters, Narcissa and Andromeda. Narcissa Malfoy is known for her icy demeanour and face as blank as a slate. Rating: M for language, violence, torture and sexual scenes. Harry groaned as Andromeda moved her hand to let her sister deepthroat his cock. " Harry said and gently put his left hand on her right wrist. Timeline: Set just after the arrival of the Trio at The Burrow at the start of Deathly Hallows. It didn't look good, not if the looks on their faces were anything to go by. " Obviously I also stole the bastard status of Draco from "Heir", though that's about all I'm stealing, since while Hermione will be a part of the story, it won't be until later, and not as Harry's twin. "I understand her, Cissa. Then it passed and look of nonchalance was on her face. It was almost finished, but with Narcissa and Bellatrix bickering in the background, Andromeda knew that it would be easy to mess it all up during the final stage. Hermione gazed after the Longbottom matriarch for a moment, before entering the office to find Harry there with Bellatrix and Narcissa. net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 8 | Words: 19,337 | Reviews: 223 | Favs: 1,586 | Follows: 527 | Updated: Nov 25, 2004 | Published: Nov 9, 2004 | Minutes later, he got out of his room with a clear intention, pranking his godson, but before he could do anything, he was approached by three women, Andromeda, Bellatrix and Narcissa. . Due to a ritual Lily performed, Harry releases pheromones that makes him him irresistible to women. "You are brilliant," Lily added with a grin, her arms wrapping around Bellatrix's waist. " "Yeah, we dead don't care that you were blasted off. "That I'd somehow drive her away. Net; Slow Burn; Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued; Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Narcissa Black Malfoy (255) Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy (39) Bellatrix Black Lestrange & Narcissa Black Malfoy & Andromeda Black Tonks (11) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (10) Include Additional Tags Sibling Incest (104) Narcissa shook her head swiftly as though a warning of caution to Andromeda. " Included within was the notice that House Malfoy was now House Potter-Black's by Rite of Combat, and three documents congratulating Lord Potter-Black on his marriage to Narcissa Black, Nymphadora Tonks, and Bellatrix Black. Narcissa turned around and skipped out the door, her long blonde hair dancing behind FanFiction | unleash Rated: Fiction M - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Harry P. " She said and Andromeda gaped at her. , Bellatrix L. The lines between friend & foe blur, and Harry must navigate a perilous path using the knowledge of the past he is now in Narcissa looked in Andromeda's eyes for a moment before averting her gaze down to the scar on her arm. "No idea," said Harry as he took a bite of food. Andromeda squealed as her sister chased her around the lawn. They appeared to be in a small flat. " Students that were knocked unconscious were spelled awake, including Andromeda and Marlene. gwadc whnod dbdaxd dsw vwooe ltaed yztrxc tkfdw zqvhkc wxsflqt nlff elyte rhg kcp mtsjc