Wow classic raid loot distribution. Zhorax2730 Owner; Report.
Wow classic raid loot distribution No need to pick extra cost Palace HC loot options if you are simply looking for some experience in the Nerub’ar Palace heroic raid. Guild bank is transparent with ledger and screenshots. With this update, all raid bosses, including rare spawns, Classic WoW. TBC Resurrection I've made this addon compatible with TBC and Classic again. Classic Era Realms have all raid content in WoW Classic available, meaning many best in slot pieces of gear will come from Naxxramas, a raid that released in Phase 6 of WoW Classic's original launch. Loot masters can distribute loot directly to any character who is in the group and in the instance. General info It sends a popup and a WoW Classic. The fundamental problem with loot council, lets say for a second you had a 100% fair loot council that distributed loot as justly as possible, fully taking into consideration raid performance, supporting the guild outside of raids, optimality of gear for class, all that good stuff. A person who attends 10 raids and receives 5 pieces of loot would tie with another person who attends 20 raids and receives 10 pieces of loot. Same loot received per raid attended. Is there an addon which will auto distribute this to the loot master when he clicks? Been looking through curseforge but i am struggling to find anything. Simply right All the loot from the Karazhan raid, including armor organized by slot, by type, and by boss. The loot would be somewhat balanced with 2 cloth casters, 2 leather casters, 3 leather dps, and 3 mail dps (note: healers being casters for gear purposes, and tanks are gearing like a dps) Raid groups, being much larger, come with more understanding on the part of solo players that loot distribution can depend on the whims of the many players and raid leaders who know each other. In Classic, there is 40 people in raid for 2-3 items per boss. There are a metric shit ton of addons for raid leading and loot distribution. I love personal loot. Retail; Jan 8, 2021; Members. UI. 1. People were zoning in and sitting there tool there until raid day/time. I mean from a raid standpoint you’re better off gearing dps. And that results in some rare good loot going to shit players with EPGP. Description; - Want to auto loot anything and speed up raids and farming? /gl pm ## Does everyone in the Master Loot: Only the group leader and selected loot masters have looting rights. Hi everyone :) I am leading a guild and so we worked on a bunch of spreadsheets to help manage our members. This emphasizes the point that SK works better in Raid groups, being much larger, come with more understanding on the part of solo players that loot distribution can depend on the whims of the many players and raid leaders who know each other. Loot Rules. If say a brutality blade drops there are tons of dps rogues / warriors who will roll on it . Even if LC results in "optimal" loot distribution technically, if your players aren't happy none of it matters. Members Online. The SeeUser middleware will check for this, and set a variable for cache busting to true. Spells in classic wow have a critical strike multiplier of 150%. Welcome to Wowhead's Pre-Raid Best in Slot Gear list for Shadow Priest DPS in WoW Classic Season of Mastery. Onyxia's Lair was one of the two raids that has been part of the game since its Hey r/classicwow!We wanted to take a moment to share a tool that we've been working on for the past few months. I’ve been in guilds with Soft Reserve systems that only want you to Soft Reserve the things they don’t want, and those guilds never Logs raid attendance and loot distribution - WoW Classic 1. 2, it automatically links the loot in raid. Season of Discovery Are we really doing this 10 man raid for what looks like another month or two? I wouldn't care about not getting loot if there was other shit to do, but the raid is the main focus of this phase. Zhorax2730 Owner; Report. Guide Contents. Frequently, the terms DKP and "loot system" are used interchangeably, because DKP based systems are the most widely used type of formal loot systems. When selecting an item to master loot, you will see a 'Random' and 'Start roll' button. Real EPGP systems treat different slots differently (weapons are much more valuable than necks, etc. Both the coveted items and gold have WoW Classic Fresh Launch Roadmap Onyxia's Lair (Phase 1) Onyxia is a 40-player raid with only one boss: Onyxia in all her scaly glory. In World of Warcraft, loot can mean a couple of things: Stuff (treasure: items or money) you get from mobs or containers (barrels, boxes, chests, etc). [citation needed] While "Best" is a subjective term, this guide aims to talk about the most popular addons for Raiding. If successful, a new button will appear when you reach the character screen, which is used to list all addons installed. To add someone to a list simply target them and select add. This is terrible for say a tank. Simply loot the item to the bag and a gui should appear; Handles multiple loot (multiple loot on the distribution list) from My fears that I'll accidentally ninja-loot are nothing to worry about. 13 DLMS is a complete and full featured loot management system. r97-release. A raid roll lists all players with an ID beside their name. 4. While not suggesting favoritism, such frustration is caused by not keeping track of loot distribution and players ending up with more gear than others. With several thousand boss kill logs in the second raid tier of Classic WoW, we want to see how each class ranks up against one another and how they've changed since Molten Core. The changes not only increase the relevancy of the rewards but also enhance the overall raiding experience. I spoke with other guys from the raid and everyone agreed to just kick them after the last boss not giving them loot. Head over to the RCLootCouncil Classic page for more info. One of the things that we used to use back in Vanilla WoW was Kaliban's Loot List, so we decided to created a new and It’s disappointing that GDKP raids are being banned on the Anniversary realms, as this decision will likely prevent me from fully investing in the game. For me this automatically means that loot should be distributed to gain the best possible outcome of improvement (of each character contributing to raid). Zul'Gurub is the third raid released in Classic, releasing in Phase 4 of WoW Classic, in April of 2020. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Rather, it is players who are willing to stay and keep on signing up for raids. This guide will list the recommended gear for Mage DPS while they prepare for their first raids, picking up gear from from dungeons, professions, world drops, reputations, and instances. By Paryah Updated: 2021/05/30 . Here we are back at the decades old problems and issues that were making alot of people complain and thus got fixed in later expansions and patches. In DM it will be group loot so a window pops up and u can need,greed or pass on an item. This ensures some people will not get loot week after week. 1M The addon can also assist with distributing loot to roll winners, either through masterloot or trade. 5. Example 2: Distribute loot from an enemy's loot window. It used RC loot council and the most talkative, guild leader friends and top dps would be funneled and prioritized. By Glamour Updated: 2024/10/25 . Simplifies the loot council experience, by automatically handling rolls on preselected items and allowing the raid leader to distribute the loot manually at a later time. This function supports the EPGP system of distributing loot. Here you can find Guides, News, Tools, Forums, and more for WoW Classic, TBC Classic, WotLK, Cataclysm, & The War Within! Recent News Undermine Zone Preview: Requirements, Locations, & Cartels Loot council might as well be called custom loot distribution. Upon looting a target, items are announced in chat same as before Soft-reserved items or items marked on thatsmybis will receive an animated border making them impossible to miss Just like in Example 1 you can now alt+click an item to start rolling it out. A tool for World of Warcraft loot management - easily keep track of your raid's loot distribution We have established a community of people in Classic WoW to clear raid content, PvP, level alts and have a positive Classic WoW experience. You can also track rolls made by players on any loot that drops. Similar to our dungeon updates, while we are gradually adding data to the site via the Wowhead Client, we received feedback that players would like to see loot from all raids, and so we manually added the drops over the weekend. Master Loot is a good safeguard against ninjas when a guild or group includes characters they have never partied with before. Discuss the plans for distributing loot with the raid Greetings! There have been many debates along with somewhat of an uproar from Content Creators and many of the community members about the prospect of loot sharing being brought into Classic. Other loot, Weapon Tokens, and more. At the end of the raid, the pot of gold is then split between the raid participants with some notable exceptions. enderneko Owner; Report. However, in the case of a tie roll, those who rolled a tie should be given a reroll to determine the winner instead of relying on the game’s alphabetical order reward system. Scamming other players is a violation of our World of Warcraft game policies. Is there a way, or an addon that will show all loot that dropped for a raid I was in? I tend to raid in raids that do loot at the end so id like to be able to see everything that dropped so I can know if there is anything that is of interest to me without having to keep an eye out at every boss. I was in raiding guild in 9. Just watched Asmons raid get a Core hound tooth drop. The party or raid leader determines the item threshold, which can be set to uncommon, rare, or epic quality. It’s a cost-effective way to investigate tactics and get some experience upon raid’s release. Includes data for Season of Discovery (SoD), WoW Classic Era & Hardcore. This guide will list the recommended gear for Hunter DPS while they prepare for their first raids, picking up gear from from dungeons, professions, world drops, reputations, and instances. The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj has a lot of extremely interesting loot and most Phase 5 best in slot lists will be filled to the brim with it. Because if they leave, you aren't going to have enough warm bodies to fill your raids. If an item drops that isn't SRed then it is rolled with Ms>Os rules. DKP is just a way for guilds to measure how much participation you have in other raids so that they can more fairly distribute loot. WoW Classic 20th Anniversary will introduce fresh servers and true Hardcore servers to the Classic system. In WoW Classic, there are multiple loot methods that allow you to manage loot directly. addon to better see loot distribution in raid? Question The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. Just be cool, take what u want and greed what u dont need and all will be good. 2 . Karazhan, the first raid in The Group loot in raids is still quite the debate, but hopefully the recent hotfixes and work being done on loot distribution means that 10. Group Loot. Soft Reserve is a new tool in development by Codzima of <Ragequit> on Stonespine-EU aka SilentSpy on Reddit, allowing group leaders to setup loot allocations across their raid. Latest release. In our raids we have the loot threshold set to common, so we can loot the hourglass sand and distribute it to people in the guild. For instance: Raid 15 people and 5 are saved. On most pugged raids they would fizzle out after first or maybe second boss. WoW Classic. I’ll probably play for a few weeks to months, but my enthusiasm will be limited by the ban. Drops: another MC run, another BS drops that no one and i repeat no one in the god damned 40 man raid needs or even considers as an upgrade in a whole 2 hour raid. Love the abilities of your other raid tools, but just need that one feature in NW Raid Tracker? No problem! In World of Warcraft, loot can mean a couple of things: Stuff (treasure: items or money) you get from mobs or containers (barrels, boxes, chests, etc. When soloing, looting is easy — a "lootable" corpse emits a "glistening" effect, and the cursor will About LootGuard Classic LootGuard Classic is a further development of the original Prio3 addon, adapted and optimised for World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic. You can easily slim this down to just the raid stack of raiders, the raid drop/loot tabs and the bis list Suicide Kings is a loot distribution system for guild raiding. This system is best for a Pickup Group (PuG). Most organsied raids will use Master Looter to assign all loot to a single trusted person, who will then manage the distribution of loot to participants under the HR > SR > MS > OS rules, and so there's no chance of me looting something I shouldn't. This addon does not automatically distribute loot to winners, but makes the process easier. 22. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide;. Certain controller elements will check This article has been tagged among the Pages that need revision. 5 will bring us a more balanced system, leaving more players satisfied. LootReserve. Loot council is ideally implemented as a tool for the raid/officers to optimize the loot in harder content like mythic raiding. It scans the raid and gives a rundown of people with missing enchants, gems, food buffs, flasks, along with other information that The meme has gone too far. The most popular systems for endgame loot distribution are point-based (and thus DKP systems). Still guaranteed 3 pieces to drop instead of 2 based on the 10 players. 15. This guide will list the recommended gear for Shadow Priest DPS while they prepare for their first raids, picking up gear from from dungeons, professions, world drops, reputations, and instances. Loot council can provide a method of loot distribution that does not rely solely upon Blizzard’s group loot system, thus allowing guilds to assign loot as they see fit WoW Classic Leveling Guide; Horde Leveling Guide; Alliance Leveling Guide; Guide to Rested XP; 1 – 60 Grinding Guide; Speedrunning Overview; Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. The list of reservable loot from each raid can be manually edited to hide unwanted items, add or remove Heya all, I'm looking for an addon that can track loot history in each individual raid, and ideally have an easy to use interface to distribute loot in a MS > OS +1 system, where people roll for an item if they need it (first for Main Spec, then if no one needs, Off Spec) but people who have won more loot than others are automatically disqualified until the others catch up. Yes, you can use master loot in WoW: Classic raids. 12-classic. 3, i click on the loot i want people to roll for. The act (to loot; looting) of getting the stuff mentioned above. For each raid, all viable drops, from all bosses and trash, is listed in the overview. Over my time in Classic, I’ve mostly been a raid leader. both old and new. Member Expectations Loot Loot distribution is done via loot council that considers performance and reliability. I have a hard time believing this, tried to find anything about it but wasn't succesfull. Only 1 BoP epic item per raid (main spec rolls only) Raid tanks take priority on tanking gear; Step-By-Step Loot Distribution Here's a breakdown of our step-by-step loot distribution system. Then it performs a roll and announces who the winner is (based on the ID). Thus when we roll Primos in ICC it gets pretty brutal to track who Before the raid begins, players can select an item to have a priority roll for, if the item drops it's theirs, if multiple people SR the same item they roll for it. With one trustworthy person being the only one to loot a boss's body and distribute the loot there is no Group Loot is a loot distribution system similar to round robin that allows players to roll for higher quality items. Upon awarding an item it's Sourcing gear from raids, dungeons, PvP, professions, world drops, reputations, and instances. Most commonly used in raids. Prio: Priority - An advantage in receiving loot over others. This stands for "Dragon Kill Points" and came out of a previous MMO. 1 watching. With one trustworthy person being the only one to loot a boss's body and distribute the loot there is no In the past I’ve been in guilds that use the Loot Council system where you might not get a piece of gear for monthsor even ever. 4, the addon should say something like "roll for" ect, So back in vanilla wow, some raiding guilds used a "DKP" system. I simply stated my opinion on loot distribution and I got a bunch of angry boomers whining about "corrupt loot councils" We then can't maintain a raid structure. So chances of ever getting Offset are slim. Thanks. If we earn raid emblems, for example, and use those to bid on gear - then the only way to farm the emblems is to kill raid bosses and/or get a Dragon kill points (usually abbreviated with the acronym DKP) designates a kind of currency which is earned by participating in endgame raids and spent by acquiring loot from endgame bosses. World of Warcraft Classic is banning the GDKP loot system in Season of Discovery starting on February 8. To bust the cache, pass the b=1 parameter in the url. Tier Set Gear does not drop in Zul'Gurub, however there are class-specific armor sets available that all WoW is a pretty lawless place until it comes to actual cheating/hacking. In this guide, we will list all the loot available, alongside its location in the raid, and explain the Tier Raid groups, being much larger, come with more understanding on the part of solo players that loot distribution can depend on the whims of the many players and raid leaders who know each other. 3 as a healer and the raid leader would constantly say that healers don’t kill bosses and all 4-5 healers were the last one to ever get loot (outside the random drops). It ensures there is a good loot distribution - but doesnt stop people getting several items if for example they are the only hunter and all the How does GDKP work? GDKP (Gold Dragon Kill Points) is a loot distribution system used in World of Warcraft raids. I just want to present some of the pros and cons, and hopefully create a helpful discussion about why loot sharing may be a good thing for classic. AQ Raids, Tier 0. etc), or opening bidding on an item you must be masterlooter in a raid and a guild officer. Suicide Kings was designed to be a system that distributes loot in decently fair manner, and nothing else. generic blues, crafting recipes and similar are not supported as they tend to be handed out in a slightly with the old loot system back, my guild and I have trouble to sort out who got loot ect. We had a player that was bitching about wasting so much time on distributing loot on bosses so we changed everything around to one person stayed and handed out loot and everyone else keeps going, another rule was if there was a loot problem we contacted a GM Welcome to Wowhead's Zul'Gurub loot guide. Shorter fights mean less healing anyways, so gearing them also will allow you to drop healers. I raided ALOT. The reason why OP is so pissed, he had REALLY bad gear, wearing feline mantle as a rogue to push is GS (rest almost full leveling greens) and the leather shoulders from the last boss dropped. 6). Target a new system that enables the same bidding and distribution to players as GDKP, but does so with no gold instead a soulbound currency. However if say drill borer shield I’ve been researching some of the popular guild loot systems, and in my opinion, EPGP seems to be the most fair, thoughtful, and easiest to maintain. From Dragonflight Blizzard changed raid looting to group loot only. Download this on the CurseFire. Consequently, none of the raiders received their hard-earned loot. Zul'Gurub is a 20-man raid located in the northeastern portion of Stranglethorn Vale, east of Lake Nazferiti. Baradin Hold 10/25 Raid Loot Guide for Cataclysm Classic. Discuss the plans for distributing loot with the raid leader before you Dumb addon to help distribute loot easier during raid based on "Loot Priority Levels". The Phase 5 and 6 Pre-Raid BiS will include Fire damage gear, as Mages will spec into Fire for those 40-man raids. 1's breaking of the add-on to provide "extra" functionality. A relaxed but focused raiding environment. Loot council is a system designed to facilitate a more precise loot model via a council of raid members (typically officers) who vote on the distribution of each piece of gear. ML is the system of loot distribution, main spec is gear for your main spec, and off spec is your secondary, MS>OS means gear that drops goes to people that need it for their main spec and if no one needs it it goes to people for offspecs. In a GDKP run, players use gold to bid on items that drop from bosses, and the WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Now Live! The Legendary Corrupted Blood Plague/Pandemic Is Back in Season of Discovery as Players Find a Way to Spread it Once Again! Season of Discovery Phase 7 Initial PTR Development Notes; WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Arrives January 9; Beloved Bot-Buster Quits Career For any that didn't play Vanilla, loot is very different in classic for a lot of reasons, But yah to anyone that didn't play vanilla, loot distribution is way more complicated. Wait for all dead players to be rezzed (so healers are not distracted during loot distribution). If I see my raid as a whole, I want to make progress. The default setting for all groups outside random dungeons. Hard reserve (HR) - The raid leader has stated that they will get a specific item(s) if it drops. consider a loot system that takes all the good from GDKP and leaves all the bad. Same loots drop way too often in a loot table The problem with Classic is that good loot is very scarce. Even Loot Council members that start out with good intentions will quickly fold under the pressure once the good loot starts dropping. Whether you’re a returning veteran or a new player eager to experience WoW Classic, Constellation welcomes you. R. We also detail important raid buffs, debuffs, and consumables to optimize your performance. As a result, I originally sought a solution in WoW addons. Report repository Releases 5 tags. Link all loot the EpGp is in my opinion the fairest loot system because it is entirely dependent on how many hours you log into your raids. Some pages allow for certain elements to be cache busted. Player happiness is also important, which is why it’s critical to find a guild that fits you- a more casual guild is much more likely to go for an equitable distribution of loot. The party or raid leader chooses what the threshold is for items (green Uncommon, blue Rare, or purple Epic). Molten Core is home to 10 bosses, ending with, Ragnaros, the Loot Distribution Info. Idiot’s like Asmongold and others who barely played vanilla who know no better take it seriously. 6. This is my opinion about what I found to be the best addons for helping you make the most out of your raiding experience in Classic, whether you're new to raiding or a seasoned campaigner (though most seasoned raiders likely already have most of these Detailed guides to all raids in World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic, including loot and strategy guides for Phase 1 raids Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, and Magtheridon's Lair. Revamped Loot System in Zul'Gurub. I got tired of copy-pasting every item on every raid in a spreadsheet, and usual raid loot addons are not convenient for the simple loot history I need. Cataclysm Classic; WotLK Classic; Retail; Classic TBC; A Suicide Kings loot distribution addon created for <Drunkard> of Bloodscalp. A complete searchable and filterable list of all Raids in World of Warcraft: Classic. I know it used to be at least an hour and it was longer if you stayed on the mob with the loot window open. If you aren’t friends with a GM/officer, you stand no chance to get the items you want in a timely fashion (before the end of the shortened timeline). Organized raids with fair loot distribution (2SR MS>OS+1) Active members running dungeons, farming materials, and building camaraderie outside of raid times. This guide will provide an overview of Suicide Kings is a loot distribution system for guild raiding. Best In Slot Gear for Priest Healer - Classic Era EPGP is proportional. In a GDKP run, players use gold to bid on items that drop from bosses, and the profits are easily keep track of your raid's loot distribution Supports Classic, SOD, TBC, WoTLK, & Cataclysm. Most of the gear goes to their close friends and you only get the table scraps after their friends are geared out. Patch 4. The term DKP is also frequently used to designate raid-level loot system in general. How can I check detailed statistic of my party members? EPGP Lootmaster provides a nice GUI for distributing loot and GP to the raid. Skip to content. . Taking that into consideration, we’ve decided that the two-hour loot trading system in WoW Classic will only apply to soulbound gear that drops in raids. For this reason, Customer Support will not redistribute loot in the event of a dispute between players. Stars. g raggy weapons). A Loot System is any method to distribute items amongst a group of players. Classic; Jan 21, 2025; Members. PugLoot provides commands for assisting the master looter with distributing items in PUGs. Patch 2. WoW Classic 20th Anniversary TBC Best Class & Spec Tier List (PvE & PvP) 11/18/2024 12:14:21 PM Classic Fresh Leveling Tier List - Best Leveling Classes For Hardcore In Classic Fresh 11/18/2024 11:32:56 AM; WoW Classic Fresh DPS Tier List (Raid, PvP, HC DPS Ranking) 11/18/2024 11:16:10 AM WoW TBC Raid Tier List - Best DPS Classes Ranking in I'm also looking for a loot distribution add-on, i think im asking the impossible, but what i am after is this: 1, i loot the body. Karazhan Raid Gear and Loot Guide for World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic. server reputation is kind of the Classic WoW threat looming over the head of ninja looters and general gremlins. 13 AddOn Resources. 1 . GDKP is defined as any system where gold is exchanged for dungeon or raid drops, and WoW Classic Leveling Guide; Horde Leveling Guide; Alliance Leveling Guide; Guide to Rested XP; 1 – 60 Grinding Guide; Speedrunning Overview; Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. Previously, with the "personal loot" distribution system, we had the ability to Steam Deck Gameplay WoW Classic Raid; Search; Building Your Raid Loot Wishlist It also helps speed up your raids, as the more player with a set wishlist the faster loot distribution goes, whether with your guild or in a pug. Methodology: Using the census exploration tool (credit to u/Joodaprey), I used filters to find the raiding crowd and looked at A lot of pugs and new guilds use MS/OS loot rules for raids . It is possibly feasible loot tables are generated upon instance entry but would be hard to test if that is the case and i figure the table will be generated randomly from there and This guide covers all of the loot available from the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic Baradin Hold raid, listed by boss for both Normal and Heroic and 10- and 25-player modes. By Quissy Updated: 2024/11/18 . Wait for all dead players to be rezzed (so healers are not distracted during loot Basically, our whole raid hates the new Loot system and wants something that can distribute Loot to those who would benefit greatly with an upgrade in item as opposed to someone who needs it for tmog or whatever. Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. Release. Find out when Classic Fresh will launch, how Hardcore servers work, and what phase releases will offer. LC GroupLoot for WoW Classic: Wrath of the Lich King. Thank you for any of your help! Blizzard came out and said it in a forum post back in Vanilla : random loot is random. Forks. 25. The main downside In current context, some guilds mimic master looter by forcing everyone to give up their loot drops to the raid leader who redistributes the loot based off guild priorities. This guide will provide an overview of Being a GM of my guild, I lead raids and have come into contact with unsatisfied members becoming frustrated with unfair loot distribution. The glory of the Vanilla raid gear was walking around Ironforge and feeling like a god, as people stared at your full tier set. Also support for CEPGP has been added. 0. This guide will help you with building your raid loot wishlist and referring to you while in a raid. The reality of Vanilla raiding was attunements, farming for months for resist gear, and as others here have pointed out, not getting an upgrade for months because the wrong tier pieces continued to drop, and there were 3 people ahead of you for that same piece In the process, players will enhance their abilities with experience and loot, discover new locations to explore and plunder, and expand an ever-branching story fueled by the decisions they make. They Can anyone recommend an addon for raid loot tracking and/or managing rolls? Just need something to show who won what for a given raid. Whether you already are part of a long-standing community (Pserver or not) whose members know each other in and out, Personal Loot Pro's: - Every raid member could potentially get loot on the same boss - No need for EPGP or loot council, and no fighting over gear - No chance of drops for a class/spec that isn't in your raid Personal Loot Con's: - could get 0 loot from a first progression kill after spending hours/days on a boss If two or more people roll the highest tie roll, the game’s current loot system awards loot based on the alphabetical order of character names. This addon is currently in beta state, expect issues you may want to report! Group loot in WoW: Classic is a loot distribution system that allows players to roll for higher quality items. Watchers. ex: tank trinket drops but no tanks need, goes to dps dk for tank spec. v7. Usually they say you can only /roll on 1 item that is your main spec and if no one rolls you get unlimited offspec rolls. In The Burning Crusade (TBC), I started a guild with a small group There must be a misunderstanding here. The raid leader or party leader can designate a player as the master What do you guys think the best raid loot system was and should be from you experiences for classic wow? In WoW Classic, there are multiple loot methods that allow you to manage loot directly. The first 4 phases emphasize frost damage gear, as the main 40-man raids in those phases are played as Frost Mage. raid roll means anyone in the raid can roll on all gear, and GR means Update 4/13/19 We saw some confusion about a specific part of this post so we want to be clear that Customer Service will NOT be transferring items in WoW Classic and the system that we outlined will be in the players’ hands. Automatic display of Priorities. Our goal is to ensure a seamless interaction between our addon and Ability to manually delete loot entries; Export function for easy sharing of loot data; Trade function to record when items change hands after initial distribution; Minimap icon for quick access; Instructions Basic Usage. Addons. Group Loot — Group loot option is perfect for first raid or fresh character. This season, the Zul'Gurub raid presents a renovated approach to how loot is distributed, ensuring players can obtain items that are more specifically aligned with their character's specialization. the mainfocus of any loot distribution should be a good mix of maximizing the raid (like all tank stuff to MT first) and keeping people motivated by having a fair system A good Loot council should keep track and take into account raid attendance when distributing loot just like DKP. So, you keep seeing guilds with their loot system as Loot Council, and if you are new or unaware, you really don’t know what this means. The issue with this system (they all have flaws) is that GDKP (Gold Dragon Kill Points) is a loot distribution system used in World of Warcraft raids. And with DKP, as long as the correct rules are set up on UI and chat commands to allow WoW Classic players to reserve item in raids. This is the talent that is required by every single viable raiding spec in classic wow and for good reason. In addition to manually setting up item reservations, there are also a few preset options for different raids, such as banning items like the Head of the Broodlord Lashlayer from There was pugged raids, but usually only zg, aq20, mc or once in a while bwl. It’s not as simple as ‘join a good guild’ because the loot distribution in classic WoW is miniscule - 2 item drops off a boss for 40 players. The 6 phases are as follows: Molten Core + Onyxia's Lair A Loot System is any method to distribute items amongst a group of players. An addon designed to streamline and support the loot distribution process for your raid team. And as far as SR goes, as we see in SOD, every single good item will be HR by the Loot is a tool for progression, not a reward for raiding. The total amount of loot that drops for the whole raid is exactly the same: 1 piece of loot for every 5 unsaved players, plus a 20% chance of an additional piece for each additional unsaved player. Whenever two or more players share some reward, they participate in a loot system, even if it's only the default roll system from Blizzard. This loot system is based around the old guild loot system, of DKP. Here are the result tables: Table 1 - Filter: Alliance, Raids. - If you lose a roll for SR item, you have higher chance to get it next time because player who won is removed out from I personally find each loot distribution method has pros and cons, and what’s more important to a guild leader and raid leader is finding the one that feels most fair to the It takes work in knowing where an item should go that is optimal for the raid, how big an upgrade is for someone, how to gauge performance, what metrics to use, determine if these metrics What do you guys think the best raid loot system was and should be from you experiences for classic wow? Whatever system that actually works for your guild and provides Soft Reserve is a new tool which allows group leaders to setup loot allocations across their raid, with both preset options and manual item reservations in order to easily easily keep track of your raid's loot distribution Supports Classic , SOD , TBC , WoTLK , & Cataclysm Here's a breakdown of our step-by-step loot distribution system. If you choose SK as your loot system, that means you are going to have to find some other way to get players to perform well and show up when no loot drops. It enables you to have complete control over what you loot, either generally by Category, Value, Quality or specifically The design of the interface of the control panel and all the rest of the classic paraphernalia have been changed, with additional control levers, frames, raids, a group and a control panel, but today we will talk a little about something else. Sign In or view our public loot tables. Always up to date with the latest patch (1. So going into it on multiple characters, losing every roll on gear, then repeat just feels so awful WoW classic addon used to keep an history of raid loot distributions of your guild. Raid Tracker is a Raid Management utility. There are WoW Classic Server Population tool sourced from active raiders on WarcraftLogs and active players on the PvP leaderboards. Welcome to Wowhead's Pre-Raid Best in Slot Gear list for Hunter DPS in WoW Classic Season of Mastery. 2K Downloads | Addons WoW Retail. It means every raid is a loot reset - and first timers can potentially win a desirable item that someone has been raiding every raid to get (e. There was a few regular crappy guilds who’s entire raids where half pugged (but they never made it too bwl) I played vanilla wow, khadgar server on release. PugLoot adds 2 buttons to the master looter frame. Note that the interface folder won't exist if you haven't opened the Classic client on your computer yet. Hunters need stats as well, we can’t This is a slightly revamped version of DLMS for WoW Classic 1. 13 AddOn - E1ila/RaidLogger. Keeps track of raid loot and attendance for guild. Readme Activity. I’m hoping I can convince guilds to use it over DKP, Loot Council, and The cons that I remember from years ago were (1) lots of admin involved, sometimes to the point of having guild You had a 20% chance of getting loot every time you killed a raid boss, just like you do with group loot today. People want to bring back the option for one person to distribute loot from a shared pool as opposed to each individual having their own personal loot chance and table. A recent GDKP raid in WoW Classic Hardcore ended tragically, with the leader meeting their unfortunate demise. Rogues weren’t interested but Hunters were (It’s Hunter BiS in this phase) he refused to give it to a Hunter and instead gave it to a fury warrior. This guide covers all of the loot available from the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic Firelands raid, listed by boss for both Normal and Heroic and 10- and 25-player modes. Gearscore was changed after 4. If we were to go down the road of developing a policy on item trading, we believe it would end up allowing the exact same kind of abuse that we are This is the pre-raid gear we recommend for each phase. It means that the GM and his buddies will be taking all the good loot and leaving the rest for you. Suicide Kings was designed to be a system that distributes loot in a decently fair manner, and nothing else. We've now added Raid and World Boss Loot tables to NPCs on Classic Wowhead. Molten Core is a raid located in the heart of Blackrock Mountain, set in the fiery depths. 1 star. the list looks quite different from Classic Phase 1 pre I'd appreciate your guys' opinions on the matter of what you think would be the most fitting loot distribution rule set (DKP, Loot Council, EPGP, Suicide Kings, ) for your raid guild situation come the release of Blizzards Classic servers. Loot council has the most flaws unfortunately. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. 5, Loot Revamp: Phase 5: Early Autumn 2025: Naxxramas, Scourge Invasion, World PvP in Silithus/EPL: Phase 6: Late SoD BFD Loot Distribution . Firelands 10/25 Raid Loot Guide for Cataclysm Classic. For this to work, you need officers who are aware what each specc really needs, the players in the council also have to be somewhat moral/practical, so World of Warcraft Classic is banning the GDKP loot system in Season of Discovery starting on February 8. Members Online Keeps track of raid loot and attendance for guild. Basically, to easily confirm our internal loot rules (nobody getting multiple items Loot addon for rolling, GDKP, SoftRes, TMB (thats my bis), DFT and PRIO3 with built in auto-looting / auto-looter WoW Classic. Raid Roll is an addon that can be used to perform a raid roll. It boasts the following features and is meant to be an aid for your raid gathering and loot distribution. the raid splits the gold proceeds after the raid RMT = buying gold with dollars SSC = serpentshrine cavern ZA = zul aman BT = black temple SWP = sunwell plateau Anyone know of an addon that will give you the options of: BiS Upgrade Sidegrade Transmog Greed Pass Or something like that? by Cixi@Remulos (Classic Oceanic) WHAT THE ADDON IS FOR: LCHelper is there to inform your Loot Council of what items the raid members are currently wearing. Built-in loot distribution tool: like BigDumbLootCouncil and RCLootCouncil, but more concise. For example, "Need" rolls have prio over "Greed" rolls. This is no honest mistake, the RL is in on the scam. 1 fork. It then allows the Loot Council to vote on who they think should receive an item, and finally allows the Loot Master to distribute the loot. If you choose SK as your loot system, that means you are going GDKP stands for Gold Dragon Kill Points. Welcome to Wowhead's Molten Core loot guide in WoW Classic . A master looter or main looter (often abbreviated as ML) is a player designated by the party leader to decide how loot is distributed in a party or raid. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; GDKP = loot distribution system where whoever bids the most gold for an item gets it. The addon will Hey Guys! So after leading PUGs for 2 months straight VoA10+VoA25 & ICC10+ICC25 first only on my Main this week both on Main & Alt as leader I have been runing into some frustration during loot distribution - since my raids are mostly (expect VoA for PvP WF gear) "nothing reserved" raids. As a raid-leader I want to confirm this before i start taking saved people to raids diminishing chances on loot. WoW Classic General Discussion. The difference is that rather than earning points as a currency to bid on items within a guild raid, you use your gold to bid. 4 . I know spreadsheets aren't for everyone, but I love em! A master looter or main looter (often abbreviated as ML) is a player designated by the party leader to decide how loot is distributed in a party or raid. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. Table 2 - Filter: Europe, PvP, Alliance, Raids. If you're running a raid, especially ones with Pugs or Soft Reserves, you NEED this addon. GDKP is defined as any system where gold is exchanged for dungeon or raid drops, and The loot your referencing is normally in pug raids at lvl80. With Ruin the critical strike multiplier is increased by a whopping 50%, up to 200% increased damage! Having this talent is essential towards maximizing your damage output. ). Raid Specific sheets can be found for all available raids and world bosses, and all feed the Loot Distribution sheet to grant an overview of allocations. Sign in Product Logs raid attendance and loot distribution - WoW Classic 1. When soloing, looting is easy — a "lootable" corpse emits a "glistening" effect, and the cursor will change to the "trade" cursor when you mouse over the corpse. Features. RCLootCouncil handles this (when enabled) by having the group leader Can you give me advice on how to react to the way my guild is distributing loot? I am raiding mythic (EN 4/7). Preview video Newer preview video with more of the features Classic Fresh, Classic Season of Mastery, Classic Plus, Classic+, While you may not want to convert to our loot system, this sheet has good bone structure in terms of auto updating information you want. Even on Alliance, it's an issue. And these will be bigger issues for casual guilds, as hardcore guilds are going to crush Molten Core very quickly after release and then everything else immediately Welcome to Wowhead's Pre-Raid Best in Slot Gear list for Mage DPS in WoW Classic Season of Mastery. Guilds have reacted to this problem in multiple - Best loot distribution, less drama in runs (if you have normal raiders).