Warframe mixed elements. Void - Corrosive and Cold or Heat based on preference.

Warframe mixed elements. May 2, 2016 · I'd suggest Radiation and Cold Damage.

Warframe mixed elements Most weapon builds will recommend viral + slash, viral + heat or corrosive + heat. both will mix into blast. Nov 6, 2024 · The only way for IPS mods to be balanced at that point would be to have modded elements completely ignore IPS mods, and therefore not factoring total damage, which makes no sense. Just play around and find what you think is best for you. Apr 4, 2020 · Deliberately made so that it wont become as powerful as a weapon like the Dread having 1 secondary element (which is 2 mod slots) + 2 or more primary elements (another 2+ mod slots) causing you to have to abandon 1 or more of your crit, damage, elemental mods for your secondary element, or multishot mods. May 6, 2024 · Viral+Heat if you're apply status at the same time as damage. For example: Say you have Synapse (innate elec), and you have Stormbringer (elec mod), Hellfire (heat mod), Infected Clip (poison mod), and Wildfire (heat mod), in that There are different schools of thought on this so you’re going to get mixed answers. Heat is a very good element because it’s a good damage condition, CC and also strips a little armor. With the Angels of the Zariman patch we got a rework of focus schools, it was a whole new type of location, 3 days ago · Hello forum, When upgrading Fired Up whilst in the companion mod-slot/upgrade UI, values start to mix, which makes it very confusing. So free extra crit damage aswell and an additional element for condition overload mechanics. The better element varies depending on faction and enemy, however as soon as you bring status procs into it Viral wins. The standard Ferrite armor troops tend to be much squishier than the Alloy types in my experience so if you stack enough Rad/Puncture to kill heavies, they light troops go down easy enough. Three mods/elemental types, two with the same element (cold, cold, heat). Now that I'm thinking more on it, any warframe that has multiple options on an ability, ie Titania, Vauban, etc, I'd love to see this for them as well. I see heat or toxin mentioned a lot as well as radiation. You would only be able to get both of these elements on three weapons, Phage, Stug, Tysis since these weapons have a base of either viral or corrosive. . For the most part, the bonuses to damage types dont mean much, as most enemy types have several resistances mixed in. Nov 5, 2019 · But be aware that if you put another elemental mod of a different element from the 2 already on the weapon, the elements of the 2 mods will combine, leaving the innate element on its own Thank you both for the reply! Dec 4, 2024 · During the Devstream when they were showing the Cyte-09 gameplay, I saw the Gear Wheel for selecting what element goes on the ammo. For example when I use Opticor or Paris Prime I am fine with 2 elemental mods and rest base dmg/crit mods and fire rate mod. 8 rad damage from 15% of the 5 damage of toxin. Possible conflicts with Configs A/B/C to obtain different elemental damage load outs (particularly because the 90% cold damage mods are D polarity!) This can be done by some UI element that links the elemental mods together. . Jan 11, 2014 · I have been reading about the best element against grineer and I have narrowed it down to either Radiation or Viral. You can't have more than 2 base elemental damage types. You should refer to the wiki page for this. Apr 25, 2017 · Until armor is changed corrosive is the best, unless you are running 4 CPs in your squad, then slash becomes the best. Jan 8, 2014 · For a weapon with a base element, the FIRST mod (top left of slots) cannot be the same element or one of the sub-elements. (If I equipped it with fire mod, I will get radiation damage instead of electric and fire) It works differently from Tysis, which can gain an additional toxic or electric damage Jan 14, 2015 · It looks at the slots in the numbered order to attribute elements, so if you add a Cold element to slot 5 you will make Corrosive and Blast damage. First thought, Can we PLEASE get this for Chroma and Lavos. 5 days ago · Ultimately: I think Warframe is headed in a good direction. I'd love to see a faction of enemies for every elemental type! I dont know how people build for a combo element AND one other element (3). 4 damage (176. Slot in (Prime) pressure point, (prime) reach, (amalgam) organ shatter, (sacrificial) true steel, Killing blow, corrupt charge, then 2 flex slots that can be elements if you'd like but they don't carry well over to the heavy attacks. 0) is a system that determines the damage done to a certain target by a given attacker. faction: Corrosive + Cold for Void (or Blast on some weapons, shame you cant have Magnetic) Corrosive + Blast for Infested (most Infested are fragile/weak the only matters are Ancients) Radiation + Viral for Grine Aug 14, 2020 · Concept: Trying to come up with a carnivorous plant themed warframe with a little infestation elements. As the title says, what element is best on weopons for circuit enemies? Is it just like normal where it's between corrosive and viral or are some of the base elements (cold, heat, etc. If you use Elec Elemental Ward, Haven's constant shield drain will make it trigger pretty much constantly for some nice CC and damage. Just so you know, shotguns (and only shotguns) work weird with status chance. It seems to behave fine in SP / simulacrum. In my experience it is treated as the last element in mod order. Note elements of the same variety instead stack addtively into the first of its kind. Jul 4, 2017 · Weird title, but you get what I mean. Feb 13, 2015 · The way you arrange your elemental mods is important. Now that some more people will most likely try him out, his element mixing would need a QoL change imo. Both choices are very strong. 1-4 is top-left to top-right. Mods placed to the right of the riven won't effect the riven's combination of elements. EDIT: Regarding question on ODD/ODS. What element should I put on my melee for Dot (Damage over time). I wish they'd make all those independent now since status weight doesn't matter as much. 0. The reason for this being is that a LOT of the new elements are absolutely perfect for a frame to specialize in (o Mar 24, 2014 · The solution to that was you can only procc one element at a time. And any flavour of slots inbetween. Glaxion will probably have 2 mixed elements and a solo element if I recall correctly with 4 elemental mods on. same with scaldra, like Viral or Corrosive? idk or will there be new element specifically for 1999 like imagine oxidation element air + heat i also dont think bane of infested work and idk scaldra soo any thoughts? Heat and Electric are versitile DoT elements (Electric is less versitile as it will combine into Corrossive, which is still mostly ok) Magnetic and Radiation are two elements that allow for easy additional proc for Condition Overload like effects. I stand corrected. 2 an overall commonly strong Damage Multiplier and the innate Element of the Weapon, it's not like you can get rid of it 43% Heat the second strongest DoT in the game plus it will Armor Strip. In the case of wanting viral and magnetic on one gun, it would need to have a base of either viral, or magnetic damage. Mar 4, 2020 · Oh yeah, forgot to say that the actual combination stays the same as It was before but we just get the option to choose the base elemental combination that we want, like we lock it in and the rest of the elemental mods work regarding what we chose, like we chose corrosive or viral for example, and if we add any other elemental mods they don't effect the corrosive or viral that we selected and Aug 25, 2024 · Combined elements are created by applying two or more simple elements onto a weapon. It works perfectly in combination with corrosive AND viral, halves armor with a single proc, strong damage over time when used with high status or high damage, and hard CC all from a single elemental Apr 4, 2014 · Please note the images below (You may need to open it fully to see the elemental combo's/damages) Though this only works on weapons that already have an elemental combo, it proves it is perfectly possible to have 3 different elemental damage types on one weapon. Damage results are modified by several mechanics – damage type modifiers (main content of this article), armor, critical hit bonuses, stealth bonuses, Warframe ability debuffs, body part modifiers, faction modifiers, and other sources of damage reduction – which are discussed below and Jan 2, 2015 · You will get 2 sets of mixed elements like Corrosive and Blast, Radiation and Viral, or Magnetic and Gas with the mods alone. They don't have to touch to create a combo. Epitaph is a new fun tool, but I still like the upgraded Cycron. So I'm just starting to get into the endgame, killed my first two Kuva Liches yesterday and plan to start farming the rest of the weapons starting with the bramma. maybe i should make a visual aid for this. Or if you think I should go with a different element, please put your reason. It's really annoying to choose a new element every single time after you cast ONE ability. Damage 1. That's a bit of an oversimplification. *Note that the Primed or Umbra version of a Warframe share the same element Atualizado em 22/11/2024 Elements do the same thing. If it is a single element it will combine with your elements. Viral will do more damage against their health (if they had 0 armor), and while its status proc is nice, it's best to mod for Radiation because every Executio Nov 15, 2013 · After watching the livestream today, a thought occurred to me. Aug 27, 2013 · So, as everyone is already aware, DE is already in the midst of reworking the damage system, namely armor and elemental damage. Feb 11, 2014 · this 2 guys is by far the best to learn about Warframe. Should I go with heat or toxin. If you put ALL elements on one gun, what you'll get are mixed elements. Armor Piercing Element was one mod to use against armor. Aug 6, 2014 · Innate elements, like Synapse's Electric damage, is considered in a "9th" slot, and is therefore combined last, unless there is a mod of similar element for it to combine with. Some elements are very bad versus some factions (more specifically armor types), so even if it has a higher number in the Arsenal screen, you may be doing much less to your enemies on the battlefield. Nov 20, 2016 · Sometimes, it seems that the innate weapon's elemental damage gets added before mods and sometimes it gets added after mods are taken into account. +75% damage against Alloy Armor with Radiation +50% damage against Shield with Cold. S. If you have 4 elemental mods, it will combine the two elements in the lesser numerical mod slots first like with [2. 0 had one armor type. Combined Element mods are a new toy: give them time, and we'll see how Warframe grows and evolves in response to their existence. Jun 10, 2020 · At least that's for the Kuva Weapons I actually use on a regular basis. Infested - Corrosive and Heat. Having an innate element that "combines that element away" is a nifty solution, not even requiring the use of mod space. Some of these mods affect both those stats beneficially, while others increase one stat in exchange for decreasing the other stat. May 2, 2016 · I'd suggest Radiation and Cold Damage. So the order of mods should be cold, electricity, then heat. i. Is the color behavior mixed up? I can see enemies getting heat dot from aura and no buffs. Let me put it that way: combined elements are not automatically superior to primary elements having multiple combined elements can be very good especially if there's a very interesting innate element on already. Two element types would would behave as they do today. elements such as toxic, fire, ice, electric and mixed elements such as magnetic and blast. And the mixed damage type is still part of the status % distribution, so if you have more than one elemental type from mods, a significant portion of your total status chance is being wasted on a damage type that cant proc. with it having the highest % of the Weapon's Elements, it will just stack on indefinitely until you literally melt your targets 10% Magnetic Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 29 votes and 20 comments Dual Stat Mods are mods that affect two stats rather than one. Magnetic status effect is a damage multiplier to shields and viral status effect is a damage multiplier to health. ex) tenet glax. What I am having trouble understanding is how the damage amount is calculated. 0) warframes: Ember (fire), Frost (freezing), Saryn (poison), and Volt (lightning) However, they seem to be bottom tier (except volt) right now because they don't do nearly enough compared to the other frames. It's actually a whole formula; a mostly accurate (and easy) way to think of it is that the status chance is divided b Jun 17, 2020 · However, mixed elemental types, such as Viral, Radiation and Blast, mix together the elemental bonuses and add either 120% (two 60/60 mods), 150% (one 90% and one 60/60) or 180% elemental damage (two 90%), depending on your elemental damage setup. If you're going just for raw damage, it depends on whether it's the murmur or robots. Certain Decrees, Koumei, Cyte09, but I think they are using it relatively sparingly, and to give those Warframes (or weapons), interesting "unique" properties or characteristics around allowing multiple elements that usually wouldn't be possible. Corr/Blast on an Embolist with increased firerate one spray knocks everything down and out of the air, applies three conditions (KD/Blast/Corrosive), then ground finish/whack a couple times with a Viral Slash or Toxin Slash high status chance fast condition overload melee. As a tip, unless your weapon deals an elemental damage type by default you cannot use the same base element in two dual elemental damage types. Each mod also provides specific secondary benefits tailored to specific weapon types. Damage (version 3. Mod screens have an order of importance 1-8 which affects elemental combinations. (112 total base damage, assuming 60%/maxed out bonus. May 4, 2018 · Enemies entering are slowed by up to 25% and allies within have 25% Electrical damage added to all attacks, does not combine with other elements on weapons or abilities. The proc damage they do only benefit from equipped mod (even if the mod is used in combination such as elec mod in corrosive). Magnetic is fairly rare proc, Rad is strong damage type vs heavily armored targets and Murmur. Basically any weapon that has any form of base elemental damage can have up to 3 elements, as long as you organize your mods properly. Name: Carnstle Stats Health:100+10/lv Armour:250 Health regen: 10/s Shield: 0 Energy:150 Passive skill: Ancient Vegetation Unless skill 1 is activated Carnstle can only use cold weapons with a Aug 4, 2020 · Whikle the idea of a graphic is nice, i think the one youve done is abit complex for most beginners, who really only need to know how to combine the elements. All possibilities are told in wiki damage/combinations section. And even with all the new elements, we really haven't increased the number of paradoxes. and of course you can't have a gun that electrocutes and burns your target anymore. Her Contagion ability is what gives Toxin. P. Jan 19, 2025 · Summary. Posted February 11, 2014. Because innate and progenitor elements are placed in the "9th slot", so the elemental mods in the slotted in will always take priority for mixed element. The bonus element doesn't work in the thrown but, so just get something that melds well with whatever elemental combo you want. Corrosive for ferrite armor (including most Grineer), radiation for most alloy armor (including Feb 11, 2019 · Sounds great on paper but for my Arca Plasmor and Amprex its had sort of mixed Results. All enemies had armor and it was the only defense that mattered. Its damage multipliers are very unfavorable, and its status effect (supposedly reducing enemy accuracy) has zero actual in-game impact. Mods are read left to right, top to bottom, with innate elements at the end. Confusing, I know but that’s Warframe mechanics in a nutshell. To illustrate 90% Fire damage + Fire Obsession: 90% Fire damage & 60% status (can no longer add on non-fire elemental mods) + 60% Fire damage & 60% Status = 240% Fire damage & 180% Status Other than innate elements or special alternate fire that has another element, you can't reuse same base element on "normal" weapons like you can't have Toxin and Viral and Corrosive at the same time due to Toxin being same. If an element appears multiple times, only the position of the first instance matters. Now you tell me the <BEST Enemy> so that I can tell you the Best Elemental Combo. Guandao Prime (the single largest leap forward in power-creep in the games history, if you ask me) with slash toxin against corpus, slash heat against literally everything else, and you can walk through steel path. Mod linking elemental mods manually can have some benefits: 711K subscribers in the Warframe community. e. Sep 15, 2014 · Normally no, you can't combine these two combine elements since they both require toxic, but any extra toxic mods added after the first combine element will just boost the damage of that one. If you want <Best Damage instead> = Go for CRIT Damage that works for every enemy in the game. Rank 0: displayed correctly Rank 1-4: three different percentages at the start Rank 5: correct percentage at start, then percentage to seconds Nov 5, 2022 · Has anyone gotten the same issue or is this some update I have missed? Checking my colors - i see emissive says "toxin" (green) and energy does not (red). I'm using a Corrosive Felarx if they have armor and switch to Viral Laetum if they don't have armor but the results are much worse than before when I used Rsdiation. To summarize, when you are using mods to temper with elemental Damage, they will apply in the order you place them (from left to right and up to down). The bonus damage from a Viral proc just beats out all elemental damage bonuses. ) stronger with the help of decrees? Sep 30, 2017 · finally lets talk about the lore in warframe. Posted February 13, 2014 Jan 11, 2020 · it's the same as having 3 Elemental Mods in one Slot. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. May 8, 2019 · For PUGs, Corrosive Proj aura with an enemy radar effect mod somewhere on the build. I have a secondary to apply viral on enemies. If you have 2 different mods of the same element the highest priority one decided what combination both will go in to. If you have 4 different elemental from slots 1 - 8 they will combine in pairs as first seen. Such as taking FREEZE and POISON will produce VIRAL Damage. if your elements are listed Cold first, Toxin second you can combine Toxin with other elemental mods (to the left of the riven) but not Cold. But as others have said each faction has weaknesses and strengths against elements. Feb 26, 2014 · As long as there is open element mod to combine with the mods will combine damage in to their respective combo. Only mixing any element (by holding one or two of his Aug 11, 2016 · I know what mods and elements are needed to be combined in order to make combined elemental damage. The best elemental combo depends on what you’re doing. The Tenno are tasked to mix and create secondary elements using special vials of primary elements. The game… Jan 29, 2022 · DE didn't like players slapping every single element onto weapons and basically ignore the resistance system in Damage 1. Nov 23, 2013 · With the introduction of a bunch of new damage types; I think that frames should start dealing elemental damage with their abilities, rather than non-specific armour-ignoring damage. If you want to only go with a Condition Overload build choose RADIATION. If you have 2 innate elements and 1 mod, the mod will combine with the first innate element in the specified order and the 2nd innate element will be left last by itself. Not to mention the nightmare of arranging elements to get the right combo. May 30, 2024 · If you have 2 mods and innate element, the result will be the 2 mods combined element + leftover innate element. Detron despite being Radiation, can deal Gas and Magnetic damage as well. Aug 3, 2014 · First of all you have the wrong elements: Grineer - Radiation and Viral (NO EXCEPTIONS!) Corpus - Magnetic and Toxin. Void - Corrosive and Cold or Heat based on preference. frames largely don't have elemental affinities in-lore. but that also would complicate a lot, since the current element combos rely on the positioning of mods for power. And certain combinations that are impossible for base weapons are doable for weapons with advanced elements. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch. Mar 7, 2015 · With 2 elemental mods you got 66% status which is enough especially when it is DoT weapon. Jul 23, 2017 · Elements combined vs. I am not criticizing your post or your information, I think it is great. Also, I believe you have Venom Dose mixed up with Contagion as the damage type for Venom is Viral, not Toxin. everything combines the same way as it normally would - to make it easier to visualize, in your mind rotate the Riven Clockwise 90°. The next one it combines with is Stormbringer (electric), to make Corrosive. Would Cold (+50% against shields) and Radiation (+25% against most robotic) on eihter a high impact (+50% shield) or high puncture (+25% against most robotics) weapon be a Aug 27, 2015 · This would allow a player the option to make a weapon with one of the basic elements almost as viable as one built for advanced elements. Then you pile on the other elements for the CC. Through all the talks about Damage 2. What this means is that unless your weapon deals Cold Feb 1, 2015 · As others have noted, some elements are already combined so pairing them with another won't form a new element. Switching is important. Edit: Then again, we are also on different platforms. Coming to mobile soon! If I put three elements INCLUDING Heat on the Ignis, I'll either get a combo that includes Heat, plus another element (like Radiation+Cold), or I'll get another combo, plus Heat (like Magnetic+Heat), depending on the order I put it in. ie, You can't have multiple combo elements involving the same base element. I just use a single combo(2) and use the other 2 free slots to pack in crit chance, crit damage, or status or something else. Same for Electric and Toxin. Wingblaze21. There NEVER was a single Elemental anything that beats everything. Any elements you put on the weapon will factor this "imaginary mod" in mind. Players are instructed to mix a chosen secondary element ( Blast, Corrosive, Gas, Magnetic, Radiation, or Viral) within a Crucible, by The Elementalist mods universally boost status damage by 90%, significantly enhancing elemental status effects like Slash, Heat, Electricity, Toxin, Blast, and Gas. Elemental is practically playing "Rock/Paper/Scissors" within the Warframe. so, in this scenario, you would have Magnetic, Gas. And I want to hear your opinions on what the best Progenitor element is for it. Oct 23, 2024 · New sentient weapons with other weird separated elemental combos would be nice to see in the future Komorex and Ocucor are still just hybrids, and I'd say Revenant counts as a "hybrid" or a tainted warframe, not something innately sentient like Caliban, so I'm not sure if they should even be considered Edited October 23, 2024 by Pakaku Blast is pretty much a useless combo element… widely considered the worst one in the game. Valence Formation is a Warframe Augment Mod for Lavos that allows weapons to gain the corresponding element of an ability whenever it is cast, with a guaranteed status effect. Later instances will always combine with the first, regardless of their own position. When you have a cold weapon, a toxin progenitor, a heat mod, and an electric ability bonus, what damage types do you get? This video explains simply how ever Dec 14, 2024 · After the elemental damage buff not combining with mods changes, bonuses no longer contribute to status damage. These are my personal preferences since I dont believe theirs a good "all-around" combo, to many disadvantages if used against the wrong faction and makes kills slower. I do not know if this is intention Dec 24, 2024 · I'm wondering what element/status does more damage to 1999 eneimes I don't think techrot is considered infestation so like blast or slash or whatever probably won't work as effectively. sorry I got my element mixed up. But i get the hype, it would be nice to have those elements, but implementation will be tricky because the energy color influentiates what will come and thos elements mentioned are a mix of basic elements, so unless DE makes the mixes of the respective colors to have those HCET only applies for Elemental Damage coming outside from mods (Innate Damage, Progenitor Bonus, Warframe Elemental Buff like Volt's first ability with Shock Trooper). Jun 2, 2014 · sadly there is no such a thing as a triple element combinations. Jun 11, 2017 · whats best chance or getting a rad part if playing solo or with mixed group (not matching relics) I think its the same but wanted to see what the groups think - yep I know if playing all the same relics its higher chance if playing in a group with non matching relics and most are intact (not rad) Feb 19, 2015 · If you cant fit the second elemental combo then its just Corrosive for void/infested, radiation for grineer, and magnetic for corpus. If you don't have 100% status chance before you add any mod that says "multishot", you have a way lower status chance than you think. Right now you have Malignant Force (toxin) in the first "read" slot. Mar 4, 2014 · Single-element weapons like the Ignis, Synapse, and Castanas are treated by the game as if they already have an element in the imaginary "ninth slot". 5-8 is bottom-left to bottom right. I do not however go into Status Chance in Mar 23, 2023 · That makes no sense in regards to progenitor elements. lets take project tethra for example so you have to locate where darvo is and rescue him and frohd bek mentions project tethra and you go Dec 8, 2024 · Idk how confusing the title is, but basically: If I wanted to put both heat and cold on a weapon without them combining to become blast, is there any way to have them not do that? To be fair, the Kuva and Tenet weapons are all pretty OP. IPS mods HAVE to ignore elemental modifiers or the balance breaks for above reasons, they cannot be allowed to scale off of total damage Mar 20, 2015 · why you already asking for those? We just received the frame the basic elements are already kickass enough as they are xD. For instance, if an Electric resistance mod mixed with a toxin resist mod would resist corrosive damag Nov 22, 2024 · All double elements get massively reduced damage on the mutalist cernos, unless mixed with the toxin damage with the bow. These elements tend to have unique damage modifiers and status ailments. Lets take invasions as an example, Grineer verse corpus. but what about water ? ice doesnt count like water in my mind: so in turn an idea for a new warframe is a water based warframe that has a similar effect on al Dec 10, 2023 · 🤔 These’ll also be good if I’m looking for the combined element but not necessarily the extra damage from the two elemental mods mixed together, like I just experienced where I wanted a combined element but to get it I’d be doing redundant amounts of damage while also consuming a mod slot. Feb 1, 2018 · With so many robotic units around in Corpus missions can we still say magnetic & toxin is the best elemental combination. Dec 16, 2019 · And if you want to be proccing more than one element, you're currently out of luck. Once a player selects a side, they would be put into an arena where its 4v4 or 8v8 but in this mat Tenet Cycron has been my go-to Secondary for a long time (my 2nd Sister weapon, after Arca Plasmor). Oh and one massive bonus with Epitaph, it adds cold status even if you are modded for viral. (my suggestion would be the laetum) do note that not counting the extra buffs they give deadhead and The reaper prime is best built as a heavy attack weapon and doesn't actually need any elements to achieve that. But its not perfect Aug 1, 2018 · A mod placed to the left of the riven will combine with the last element of the riven mod. Access to this mission requires completion of the Whispers in the Walls quest. Personally, I would go heat and just mod in viral/corrosive, but if you go toxin, you just need 1 element mod for viral (grineer/general) and no element mods for toxin (corpus). having a Progenitor element ELECTRIC is less usefull for your build but better for a flat damage build because you can access to radiation/corrosive. I'm really into elemental damage, and I'm wondering if putting mixed elemental resistance mods would block for the elemental mixture for those two elements. Jun 18, 2024 · The table provides an overview of damage types, resistances, and weaknesses in Warframe. given acacadia flare is a secondary arcane ether a good kitgun or an incarnon type gun is best. Viral is okay, but only on weapons with decent status chances. Now, let's imagine that we want a mixed element on the build, and we were smart enough to choose the lich element to help with that (typically, we want some viral with slash, so choosing toxin as the lich element is a good idea). Edited November 20, 2016 by Nemesis041 Naftal Apr 13, 2014 · Lecta's primary damage is electric, it mixed up with secondary element instead of gaining additional elemental damage. Search bar in arsenal incorrectly searches the wrong mixed damage mod when searching mix damage elements Details. Feb 28, 2014 · as we all know warframe has cover all elements. The Tenet Ferrox can 100% proc manually modded elements, but it does not proc the progenitor element from my tests. 8 Total base damage (before multishot) is 431. Max FEVER STRIKE and max NORTH WIND gives FRAGOR 248. Magnetic is globally less radiation is the murmur's weakness element so it does extra damage innately, heat procs trigger the arcane cascadia flare which adds more damage up to 480%, so its basically stacking alot of damage. Radiation does +75% damage to Elite Lancers, bombarders, eviserators, and napalms. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and iOS! Depends if you're talking about just elemental damage, or elemental status effects. Elemental mods combine from top left to bottom right, so you'd need to put your toxin mods near the bottom right for the toxin element to remain Having any two elements in slots 1 through 7 will combine, and if you have a mod in 8 it will then combine with the innate (ie 9). it doesn´t make sense to equip weapons and elements for the common enemys during missions, most of them will be dead after one hit, equip elements for the elite enemys and bosses, thats where you really need more dmg Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. You slot them for the raw damage boost they provide or slot them for the elemental statuses that help. The chart is about which warframe generates the Kuva Lich weapon's element, not the element the warframe itself is tied to via abilities. This mod can be acquired by attaining the rank of General under New Loka, or the rank of Exalted under the Red Veil, and spending 25,000 Standing 25,000 to purchase. Combat feels at its best, because more and more things are viable to do. Currently mine is one tier below 60%, toxin element. Radiation and Magnetic, to my understanding, don't get the same use in a lot of builds because they don't directly shoot up your DPS for the mod space they take up in the same way as Blast's explosions, or Viral and Corrosive's priming power. If the first two are the same (cold, cold, heat) the weapon does cold and heat damage. This includes tier 1 elements such as fire, electricity and poison. Jun 27, 2014 · I am a big fan of elemental (base elements as of Damage 2. 4 VIR Jan 10, 2019 · I wish all the enemy in an area/faction were weak to the same thing. No matter what element bonus you get, none of them are necessarily bad; it's just some elements are better than others. Corrosive/Blast covers 90% of the enemies in Dec 11, 2024 · Mind, you they seem to be exploring in, a light way with certain Warframe abilities. Weirder still, Slash procs aren't increased by Slash mods. update: after more testing it appears to be taking the elemental damage on the weapon, as its basline for the stats ie: 15% radiation gives 0. Furthermore, elemental statuses that deal damage take your elemental mods into account. Depending on the number of element mods required, select from the your choice section. Feb 7, 2017 · At the moment warframe lacks the explosion element or combining two status procs from different sources on the same target but I thought that it might add to the dynamic of the game if two or more players with separate elements could combine their elementals on one target to achieve either a combined explosion or just the combined status proc without the explosion. they may have a kit that almost exclusively ties to a given affinity (see, Gyre is lightning procs to the gills) but it's not because they "are the electricity frame" it's because she's themed around motors and electrical power. Even on entirely elemental weapons it gives the damage type as if it's slotted in a theoretical "slot 9" - see Tenet Cycron. Raw damage will carry you until the later game after all. They used to be wonderful, ac Feb 7, 2014 · Eventually you start fighting Elite Lancers as troops instead of regular Lancers which are Alloy and not Ferrite. Weirdly, Gas scales with Toxin mods but not with Heat. ) Two 60% status mods (for viral and the status chance) add up to 134. Feb 6, 2017 · While personally i really enjoy Conclave, BUT there are a lot of players that only enjoy PvE. Nov 3, 2020 · Timestamps & FAQ in Video Description!! Hey guys, in this video I will be guiding you through Warframe's Elements. ], then the remaining elements will be paired regardless of position as in If you're putting the mods on a weapon that has an innate elemental damage type, the order gets mixed up. The lich element does give less slash procs, but it compensates by giving more damage per proc. Nov 28, 2017 · As @rapt0rman points out if the weapon does inate elemental damage (like the ignis or gammacor) then the element will affect your modding of elements. 0 (2023-12-13). In general though it's not amazing, a pure health or armor boost is only going to be good for health based tanking. I'm not sure what element would be good for this weapon. I was thinking, why not make a "mixed" mode. There's actually a Hildryn build that uses a unique interaction between Haven and Elemental Ward. On weapons with low status chance, or where just a bit of extra damage would lead to a one-shot kill, modding for an element with a damage b Alchemy is an endless Mission type introduced in Update 35. Like the scourge or the kompressa, which have innate corrosive in one case and viral in the other. Adding Elemental Damage To Weapons Hey, everyone! I tried searching Google and Reddit for informed opinions, but it seems mixed on this. If you proc Heat, it will deal higher damage if your weapon has +Heat damage mods equipped. The chosen element should stay all the time until a new one was mixed. Or if you have a riven don't bother. If the elements are mixed (cold, heat, cold) it does explosion damage. depends. If you’re dealing with enemies who are heavily armored but you can’t apply slash status (either due to limitations of the weapon, or status immune enemies such as most bosses), then you want to use the element that matches the enemy’s weakness. Feb 13, 2015 · As for choosing element combinations, pay attention to what faction you're fighting against. Special damage types like True and Void damage are usually reserved for Warframe abilities or Operators. 44% Crit is also nice on DoT weapon. It wasn't until I Solo'd a T5 Bounty on Fortuna and Cetus that I was surprised by the Tenora Results it Shreds standard Enemies that used to give me trouble when using Corrosive and Magnetic Damage respectively. Jan 5, 2022 · Basically having a Progenitor element RADIATION is better for your build but not for others ones. I hear radiation Not really. [Fire] In the example above, Toxin + Fire join to make Gas. 0 and the way elements combine instead of just stack, the main focus has been on specific two-element combinations. I’m getting more excited for the 13th! Heat is the best element and it's no contest. Viral is, by far, the best status, and needs to be brought back down to the realm of sanity, but it has pretty useless damage bonuses as a damage type. Something like the Sibear is forced to use a Cold+[other] mixed element, another mixed element and a final non-mixed element, while others that come with a mixed element from the start can use 3 mixed elements or 2 mixed and 1 non mixed. The thing with the innate element being added last is ONLY relevant if you aren't using a mod of the same element. I also prefer that limited range of elements because I tend to mod my weapons for Corrosive or Magnetic+Toxin, so these kuva element additions are meant to increase the number of possible elements on my weapons, because I like a good ol' mixed salad. Split 40 puncture, 30 heat, 42 valence element. A Zarr with 25% cold will still wreck 99% of content in 1 shot just like a 60% toxin Zarr. Whereas Viral does +75% damage to all grineer other than rollers and regulators. Nov 1, 2022 · So the general answer is no, you can't add any two primary elements to a weapon without them combining, and if you have two mods combining into a secondary element on a weapon, you can't add a separate instance of either of the primary elements that makes it up. bring the events somehow back as quests that the game's lore wont have to get mixed or mess up for new players and some players that is interested in the story. When typing certain mixed damage elements (Blast, Corrosive, Gas, Magnetic, Radiation, and Viral) into the search bar, other mixed elements show up (the biggest offenders are Radiation and Magnetic mods on my cursory search). Ddublu. And while elemental damage being more useful is a nice touch, I think this would be a good opportunity to add/improve the utility of elements instead of simply keep them Most of the good elemental combinations aka Viral and Corrosive use toxin as a base, sure you just need 1 60/60 or 90 elemental mod for a combination but you loose out on an additional element for condition overload. But what happens if you do decide to mod a weapon with three or more elements? Is there any potential benefit at all? Since the new augment dropped, my playtime with Lavos went up a lot. Most people resolutely claim toxic or heat is the best innate element for Kuva weapons in general. Now our elements don't get changed but our ability to proc What gaming elements is Warframe mixed with? Question The only element I know is a hint of MOBA'ness since all the Warframes have 3 normal skills and one ultimate. Oct 31, 2024 · Another thing that influences my personal selection is if I want to change/get rid of some elemental damage type that is included in a weapon's stats. Gammacore (synoid too), Velocitus, and Grattler have magnetic, and Phage has viral. Mar 15, 2024 · Is the bonus independent or does it get mixed with weapon elements like 1st ability buffs? I don't have much use for the shard currently if it combines. [None] [Toxin] [Fire] [None] [None] [None] [Cold] [None] . Then you put in a mod of toxin. The dispo difference is almost depressing :( Crit Build - Base DMG Elemental Combo DMG G: Steel Patch - Corpus: Status Build - Base DMG Elemental Combo DMG Crit Build - Base DMG Elemental Combo DMG H: Steel Patch - Infested: Status Build - Base DMG Elemental Combo DMG Crit Build - Base DMG Elemental Combo DMG Sep 3, 2024 · Viral + Fired Up + Heat + Bond that adds 120% elemental on eximus kill + status spread = bonkers. 4 if the valence element is toxin/cold for viral) Primed heated charge plus base heat damage adds up to 214. Basically anything with a built in element can go triple elements. No idea why some frames generate elements that have nothing to do with the frame though. 1 enemy per second is targeted by a lightning strike, dealing damage and suffering an Electrocution Status. I'm not really sure what to go with so any advice would be appreciated Dec 27, 2024 · Probably gas, since these mods appear to be targeted at the more niche elements. Dec 14, 2024 · I didn't expect anything more from the 1999 update than from Angels of the Zariman or Whispers in the Walls updates, however, even so I see less work done or content than in those patches. Jul 31, 2015 · The only way you can get the combined elemental combos with a common element is if the BASE ELEMENT is a combined element. is innate cold, you have progenitor heat. Jun 19, 2024 · The Codex claims Acolytes have no weakness and Archon planetary nodes suggest the same elements the native faction is weak against. Edited January 2, 2015 by Amethyst_Orbweaver The combo elements are even worthless against that much armor. aylym tblile gtwwmx vbzyl tamq evgapv jjhbvh pzrfhvd lvmplrmw vidvrd