Tkinter toplevel return value Add a label to each option menu in tkinter. Your idea to use a third class is reasonable, but I found this approach a little I am really new to tkinter and python, and I try to create GUI by using tkinter. You will need to change it to this: The following gives an example. Typically they will run some function that does some processing or modifying of the class's attributes. Sr. Tkinter button store return value as variable. Entry(toplevel) Why does a return trip to another star require 10x the fuel compared to a one Tkinter Toplevel Methods. destroy, you refer to the method object, named destroy, and belonging to the pop object. newWindow = Toplevel(root) self. py, I have this code: My problem is how to return the value of temp from generateDB() to main. _options (cnf[, kw]) Internal function. ) Optional parameters. grid(column=0, row=0) Notice that the new checkbox defaults to the "alternate", sometimes called "half-checked", state: The following example shows how to create a toplevel window, which can be opened from the main app widnow. random. You apparently want to send the name of an attribute to the constructor of AirportSelectWindow, but your code would be easier to understand if you just pass in the actual variable. withdraw() # add things to this window root. It's basically the same as writing 1 or "hello": it's not a statement, or if you prefer, not an action. You have to be When creating multiple windows using Toplevel in your Tkinter applications, you may get confused in how to pass various values or data between the Main Window and the Toplevel widget. winfo_toplevel(). Toplevel(master) if str(win_type) == "Add_label": """ Here goes a I am trying to write code that will return either head or tails and show it in a separate window (message box). For some reason when I enter something into the entry field in this code and then hit the save button which should call to simply print the name and initials, it does not take what is currently . The only advantage that eval has in this context is to make your code more difficult to understand. All you will have at that moment is an empty entry field. No. : class_ You can give a Toplevel window a “class” name. The print output of my code is, Tkinter Toplevel width and height not working. Tkinter uses an object-oriented approach to make GUIs. window. pack(pady=10, padx=10 I want Entry to return the user's input, but only after the user enters the answer and presses Enter. Toplevel. 8. It automatically translates Python objects to corresponding Tcl values and back, although in some cases it needs a code to ensure the structure of the retur I'm new to Python and Tkinter and was trying to create an interface to search & plot data. Please help import tkinter. Turns the window into an import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk def open_child(): # Create the child window child_window = tk. master refers to a variable defined by tkinter. Tkinter Button either click or Press Return. I am trying to get the value of from a combobox in tkinter using python 3. set(opt[0]) # give an initial value to the StringVar that will be displayed first You can use top. bg or background: The background color of the window. close() i can get value from Entry if i I was looking to do a popup widget in tkinter where the user can input some data. The background color of the python tkinter Toplevel . A value of 1 means at the bottom of the widget; bordermode means to treat the coordinates relative to the outside border than inside the border There are several things you need to change for it to work properly. Toplevel window (child2) was created by the user from within the root window, and if this window (child2) is present at the users screen at the moment. I just want to get the value of selected checkButton of Tkinter, Python. 2. This is because you don't pass in the instance of MainApp to NewWindow, and self. StringVar() # used to return the input value entry = Your problem is due to creating entry at the same time you are performing get() on that entry. Is there some way to tell the main window to wait for Child to return a value? Also, can anyone explain what that decimal number is? I would have expected the print statement to at least return 0? I have looked at this thread Pass user input from child to parent window python tkinter and still could not understand how to solve the problem. See Section 5. destroy() was first evaluated when you created the button. 1, “Dimensions”. Toplevel(root) window. That creates an anonymous function that will execute your function call (with args) when the button is pressed. toplevel) return self. Running python-m tkinter from the command line should open a window demonstrating a simple Tk interface, letting you know that tkinter is properly installed on your Get the return values from python's tkinter menu. Here's my code: from tkinter import * root = Tk() def show_state(): print(var) var = IntVar() cbtn = Checkbutton(root, text='Check', variable=var, command=show_state) cbtn. asked Dec 1, 2019 at 12:45. You need to pass the instance of MainApp to NewWindow, save it, and then refer to it when trying to access testVar. Winfo_y does not return correct value. I have a class Window that creates and runs the main window where i post the result. The crux of the problem is I cannot figure out how to ‘wait’ for the dialog to return Tkinter. Tkinter, get value from toplevel window. For all future events, only window (B) is called. Here is the full code in case it's entirety is needed. Could someone please check the below code and tell me how can I trace value returned by radiobutton d I created a class to read data from excel file and add it to a tuple using openpyxl: import openpyxl from openpyxl import load_workbook class Excel_DataParse: def __init__(self): self. title("Choose Background Color") In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the toplevel widget in tkinter. Also, remember, these attributes can be accessed after exiting the mainloop, which appears to be the sort of thing that you are wanting to do with This piece of code caused the exception: self. 3. I read the documentation and have been looking at effbot. Deep Deep. Obtain values from tkinter OptionMenu. I am trying to pass data between two windows. pack() you are calling the pack method of the created widget which returns None so entry gets assigned None. 15. I have created a window using tkinter and show that window using window. You would then hook up your "Task complete" button to simply destroy the window. A A. Tk() chk = ttk. There's further discussion of this phenomenon over at Update considered harmful. You need to grab that entry information after something has been put into it. Clicking the Enter button prints whatever is in the entry box. Tk() self. One way would be to Here are the changes I made to your code: Removed import mainwindow from game_2048. enter). Is there an easy way to return the user selected date value to another python script using this code for a python calendar widget? I've saved the calendar widget in its own file named CalendarWidget. ? Looking the definition for the geometry attribute, it doesn't explicitly say what it returns when you set the geometry, but it does say that it returns a string containing the current value if you provide an empty string. top. Options & Description; 1: bg. destroy() TopLevel() is going to create a new top level widget (aka application window) so you won't be destroying one which already exists in any case. You can reproduced this behavior by having the iconify method be the protocol method's second argument. Button(self. Second, there is absolutely no value in embedding the definition of a class inside a function. Checkbutton(tkwindow, text="foo") chk. Let the user change things when Tkinter: Get return value from a callback using a class method? Related. py, as it will lead to circular import calling the functions twice. How can I retrieve the values from the prompt created in Tkinter? In my opinion, I would need to create a function with the code bellow and make it return the value from the Tkinter prompt. However, in case you are using threads, you have to make sure the thread finishes before the windows closes. There are two main ways to transfer a value from the CB to where it is needed: Where you assign entry = Entry(admin). def __init__(self): self. dialog’ returns immediately rather than waiting for the response. You created a class inheriting from a Frame, this frame is just like any other tkinter widget, requires to be placed in the window using geometric manager, like pack()/grid()/place(), you did not do that I want to start a webserver if the user does click on a button. top, text='Ok', command=self. mainloop() never ends. However, I find the script would only print the first item in the list if comboxlist2. However, I cannot return the numbers because I'm destroying the root window. Here is my code: How to display variable value in tkinter-label. . value python; tkinter; toplevel; Share. 1. top as it was destroyed. You can do so in the other one as well in a number of ways: #1 bind to page object's direct parent, which happens to be a Toplevel-like #self. This script runs but does not print the entry: calculate_score_1 is not a method of the instance, but is defined inside the __init__ method. my_var=tk. __init__ ([master, Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by its Tcl name NAME. scrolledtext as tkst from tkinter import ttk import logging I am creating an application where I need a tkinter combox. geometry("500x500") print(f"{string=}") So I am making this GUI app with tkinter in which we can signup and login and save our data. Returning from tkinter toplevel button click. Toplevel() window pop up with a combobox using the fowling code: The following gives an example. bindHello) #2 recursively search page object's parents, and bind when it's a Toplevel-like #self. Edit: I had misunderstood the problem and I hadn't realized that the add_widget function would be called for different containers for the same instance. This answer is to make one Tkinter Window pop up overtop of other Tkinter windows. destroy()) The reason for this is because self. 0 Getting an existing menu for tkinter Toplevel. append("tails") messagebox. Viewed 2k times 0 . label1 = tk. __init__(). Frame(root) frame. return value from a event-binded function. ttk import * # toplevel window method is used to set the titlebar icon of any It turns out it was because earlier in the larger script I had created a different type of Tkinter window that I never quit or destroyed. Before the toplevel window gets created, it is checked if the window already exists, to prevent opening the Python Tkinter get() value of combobox not changing. The main problem is that this: command=self. Pass text to menu label in tkinter. Entry(self. import tkinter as tk import tkinter. the version I have I am currently playing around with programming some GUI using tkinter and struggle now with properly setting the position of a child window created by tk. I get either that it returns the value before I press Enter. Toplevel): def __init__(self, The widgets in which the user can write have a get method that returns their content. Tk() root. I would like my tkinter application to return the selected items of a listbox from a called window (class MyDialog) to the calling window (class Example). I'm writing the code in my GUI template script just so I can figure out how to get it working before I stick it in the actual script I state returns the current in Python. and once the submit button is clicked it will the callback function passing the return values. This program opens up a tkinter window with an entry box and an "Enter" button. How to destroy all tkinter toplevel window opened. Getting variables from a tkinter subwindow. This command takes one argument: the item which is selected. That is what I did originally but ‘functions. I can't get it to do something very basic: return the entered value. I have a tk. I have a class popWindow that creates a Toplevel window when asking user for what to do with a possible double. 11 [Python/Tkinter]How can I fetch the value of data which was set in function "event_generate" 0. destroy and pop. The dictionary & key can then be associated with the button's command, by using lambda. destroy() can be called form any part of your code, so you can close it just before you create another window. A tkinter program should always have exactly one instance of Tk, exactly one call to mainloop, and there should be little to no code following the call to mainloop. master. Or that it first returns None, so in the next iteration I get a returned answer to the previous question. import tkinter from tkinter import ttk tkwindow = tkinter. answer With this, when you create the messagebox and call show (or call it wait if you want), the code will wait until the window has been destroyed and then return the value selected by the user import sys try: import Tkinter as tk except ImportError: import tkinter as tk try: import ttk py3 = False except ImportError: import tkinter. Passing values from child to parent window on python/tkinter. newWindow, text="enter", command=self. Both Tk and tkinter are available on most Unix platforms, including macOS, as well as on Windows systems. html format) Here we are assigning value to StringVar() my_str which is connected to Combobox cb1 in Parent window import tkinter as tk from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk Thanks for the reply. How to get selected value from the Tkinter OptionMenu. for a while. 12. But while I was testing I came up with the following error: File "returnWeeksGUI_v1. The third form sets one or more of the values. It seems Tkinter can only print the val INSIDE the return_value function but I can't seem to call the value outside of it, global val #Creates a new Tkinter window popup new_window = Toplevel(root) new_window. window = Tk() . 17, Python 3. I am self teaching code, but there are many thing I do not No, it's not a good use of eval. Toplevel(). Toplevel() tk. The main window is destroyed and the data is passed as Use the Python Tkinter , create a sub-panel (TopLevel) to show something and get user input, after user inputed, clicked the "EXIT" found the whole GUI (main panel) also destory. mainloop() Creating a Tkinter class and waiting for a return value. 0 == right edge; rely is a floating point value represeenting the relative y position. user can enter two number and submit. bindHello) #3 bind to Tkinter supports some variables which are used to manipulate the values of Tkinter widgets. These numbers are to be used in another script for calculation. Common methods. Tk() var = Tk. I have created a class to store all the buttons and then ten other classes to store each question which appears in a child window with the question as a label and radiobuttons / checkbuttons. tkinter. keuze = None self. This happens because the geometry View & Download tkinter-toplevel-data ipynb file (. When I select any one of the radio button it is not returning any value nor printing any errors. 6, i been looking to many tutorials but i don't see the problem yet. Improve this question. the winfo_height() returns incorrect value in tkinter. Most times, callbacks drop the return value (all tkinter callbacks do), if any. I create entry field and after press <Enter> or submit button i call root. Here's a working example, tested on Windows 7 & 10: I'm attempting to create a class and inherit from Toplevel() so that the GUI elements of the class can be contained within a separate window. The toplevel windows have the title bars, borders, and other window value = self. showinfo( "Lucky you !", result The problem is that self. Follow edited Dec 2, 2019 at 11:12. I'm just beginning to program in python and I'm using it to make a little program with an GUI (using tkinter) that can take data from an excel file (using openpyxl). gumb1 = Radiobutton(root, text = "Euro", value = "Euro", variable = "btn2" The parameters value and variable are what stores the data of the radio button. destroy():. It is easy when the Combobox is in the first created window but for example if I have two windows and the Combobox is in I'm building a Tkinter application and I came across an issue with setting a default value to a combobox. height = height of the widget. See also the relief option, below. tkinter, button returns variable. title("test") msg = Message(top, text="test") msg. ttk as ttk from tkinter import messagebox import time @Kosig You don't time it, as already pointed out. SUNDAY) cal. I created a very simple toplevel window to get the values from a combobox that would be selected from users. more than once in a program. The way I implemented is: import numpy as np from Tkinter import *; import tkMessageBox; class window2: def __init__(self,m On your sample you bind to the window itself. attributes The first form returns a list of the platform specific flags and their values. geometry("400x60") new_window. Getting a value from Tkinter OptionMenu in Python. For possible values, see Section 5. Long Answer: Prelude: If my understanding of your programm's logic is correct - you have a "game" design, with class1 acting like a "main menu" and with class2 that mimic a "game", that starts after we done with "main menu". mainloop() This tkinter window has a button that I waiting for the user to press: button = Button(buttonFrame, text='Next', command=pressed) However, I also have physical button in real life that the user can press. Too be honest I did not know this was an option. randint(0,2) if coin == 0: result. destroy(), but how i can get value from Entry after destroy? When i call root. In my app I have a large window toplevel which calls a much smaller window top2 which initially appears on top of toplevel. The next part of the problem is to get MessageboxYesNo to not return until you have the result. Reference: Creating a Tkinter class and waiting for a return value. My problem is closing the popWindow once a choice is submited. quit() is the problem here is a working example for you to look at and mess with. Executing a fuction while passing from a window to an other to get entry value. def callback(): t=tk. The only way I can get it to work so far is by using a global variable. StringVar() label = tk. selection is initialized to None, and then set to a value when the user clicks the "Confirm Selection" button. Because after I delayed and got the returned value, I've to return it again to the other function that called this Creating a popup window which will ask for email entry and then print the email when 'OK' is pressed, this is my code: import tkinter as tk class PopUp(tk. Get the return values from python's tkinter menu. newWindow) self. Assign entry = Entry(admin) and then pack or grid the widget. I'm just adding something to Gogo's answer but i can't comment because i don't have enough reputation. A condensed version of my code is: root = tk. set_value_int always returns None, so it's always going to set your variable to none. 0. 5. Python # Imports tkinter and ttk module. So, how can I return that 2 values to another function? Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog I am new in this forum and have a question that deals with me for days. In my tkinter application, I have a toplevel window with radio buttons. The sample is just calculate the multiplication and addition of two number and return, and i am stuck with generating result when I can not convert string to input ( which means there is no input). append("heads") else: result. master, text="check", Toplevel can be considered to be the only visual part of a Tk instance, and it can be used when there is a need for multiple window-like widgets. config(bg="#17173c") #Label text label2 = Label(new_window, text After some testing, and googling the root. I have tried several examples from stackoverflow, but didn't work for me unfortunately. button press will open a top level. Here is my code snipped With tkinter you always want to call the update_idletasks() method directly before retrieving any geometry, to ensure that the values returned are accurate. after is working and won't freeze the window, but I cannot get the return value of the function that I've called. these are modal and return the result of a I have a Checkbutton and an IntVar object associated with it, but when I try to get the value of the var, I am receiving PY_VAR0. I think the best way is to use the . Requires that the popup is "modal" (disables the main window). The . withdraw() window = tk. The second form returns the value for the specific option. There is a button on root window. pack() button = tk. pack() # Now, let's try to access all I have been looking all over the web trying to find an a way to size a TopLevel() window in tkinter. When that's clicked a "modal dialog" appears, and the main window is visible but disabled until the modal dialog is closed. Gettting element from combobox problem in tkinter. In this approach, we'll create an Entry widget and The tkinter package (“Tk interface”) is the standard Python interface to the Tcl/Tk GUI toolkit. I see the options but I just can't seem to get them to work. import * class newTopLevel(object): def __init__(self, root, x=0): self. The general problem is that executing [update] has nearly unconstrained side effects; on return from [update], a script can easily discover that the rug has been pulled out from under it. Toplevel(parent) self. Usually I would just inherit from Frame() but for my purpose I need everything to be in a window. wm_geometry() on the root window and on the Toplevel, they both return the string 1x1+0+0, even when my windows are visible on the screen. width = width of the widget. grid(row=1 About the difference between pop. value= '' return self. We will learn about its features and methods along with an example showing clear distinction between a root window How can I get a returned object from a function that is executed as a Tkinter callback? import Tkinter as Tk from functools import partial def square(x): return x*x root = Tk. You have to be careful about the order of function/method calls. Try this: import tkinter as tk class Kandit: def __init__(self): # Set the default value for keuze: self. This is my first The problem is the super(). Adds the window to the window group administered by the given window. I have tried current() method but it is not working. Also notice that the show method will get this value before destroying the widget so that it can be retrieved even after the widget has been destroyed. If you need more windows, use the Toplevel widget to make Why Aren't My Values Showing Up In My Sqlite Database When Imported From Tkinter In Python 3. In the following code I leave an example of what I want to do: from I have created a ten question multiple choice quiz in Tkinter/Python. Doing a quick test: from tkinter import Toplevel test = Toplevel() string = test. Each time a menu item is clicked, the command is called. Spent hours looking for child windows for tkinter and toplevel was all I could find. The callback function will call the destroy method on the top-level Below is a minimal working example that runs on Mac 10. There I want the combo box to have a default value from the starting of the application. import tkinter import numpy as np from tkinter import messagebox result = [] def hola(): coin = np. Button(self, text="Click me!", I need to ask the user for an arbitrarily long list of key-folder pairs, so I use Toplevel to create a popup where i lay out a growable list pairs of custom buttons (one to bind the key Toplevel objects have these methods −. pack() var. bind('<Return>', self. I am having problem with getting the value from the Entry widget in my signup part. Below are some of the ways by which we can get the value of an entry widget in Tkinter: Approach 1: Using a Button Click Event. Does anyone have any idea why such a simple script would not return anything? I've tried tons of combinations and looked at different ideas. Returning the value of button from a class using Tkinter. Scale(orient='horizontal', from_=0, to=128, command=print_value) scale. Tk() scale = Tkinter. 0 How to pass data between top levels in tkinter. How to get tkinter menubar label Value? 0. toplevel to some value in your __init__ method so the first call to makeToplevel doesn't fail when it gets to the conditional; as written, self. class BaseSelectWindow(tk. There are various solutions to this problem, toplevel = Toplevel(root, bg, fg, bd, height, width, font, . If I do not use wait_window(), an empty li Get the Value of an Entry Widget in Tkinter. import Tkinter as tk class MyDialog (object): def __init__ (self, parent): self. The first window (A) is only called the first time the app is ran, and then opens window (B). after. from tkinter import * from tkinter. Your solution solves all the This button is toplevel") self. selection is initialized to None, and then set to a value when the user clicks the “Confirm Selection” button. This way your variable will not be a value of None but rather the proper widget. grid(row=0, column=0) tk. The Tkinter Toplevel width and height not working. but also there is not errors. Serif Sans grab. If you need additional windows, create instances of Toplevel. Therefore you couldn’t place the button on self. Displaying Tkinter Label with I have 2 Tkinter windows, but values in one Tkinter window, are defined in another. master doesn't refer to the instance of MainApp, it refers to the root window. filedialog from PIL cline3 is always None in this case, since that is what pack() returns. But in order to do this, you need to store your widget in a class variable for example. root = tk. geometry('300x100') I have a tkinter program with multiple windows. When I call . I have a list of CheckButton and its like below ## csv file has rows like # 101, apple # 102, orange for row in csvReader: checkButton = Checkbutton(top, text = row[1], variable = StringVar(), onvalue = I'm trying to create an app that has 2 windows. Python Tkinter Label - Updating Based on Dropdown Menus. Stack Overflow. Note: For more information, refer to Python GUI – tkinter Toplevel widget A Toplevel widge The Spinbox widget in Tkinter is When setting your geometry manager be it grid(), pack() or place() and you need to be able to interact with that widget later you will need to assign the widget to a variable and then apply the geometry manager on a new line using that variable name. every time i press the button don't show anything. In my main. Notice that the value self. You've set your value option correctly. quit() not working as intended Python Tkinter communicate through multiple windows and return values after destroy. . There are four methods that allow us to determine the outer-frame's dimensions. I created a Tkinter app that calls TopLevel objects from another file (for menu bar options). Return() does not do what you think it does. Tkinter is a relatively thin wrapper around the Tcl/Tk library. Toplevel(my_w) child_window. Toplevel window (child1) of my root window (self), if a tk. def test(): top = Toplevel() top. my code: Wprowadz=Toplevel() Wprowadz1=Entry(Wprowadz) Wprowadz1. IntVar(root, value=0) #the variable the gets passed to the class call menu = Tk. I'm fairly new to python, and am struggling with a problem with tkinter. def pop_up(master): #opens pop-up window asking for inout and return the input once "submit" is clicked top = tk. pack(expand=1, fill from tkinter import * root = Tk() opt=['Jan', 'Feb', 'March'] var = StringVar(root) # initialization of a common StringVar for both OptionMenu and Label widgets class MyOptMenu(Frame): def __init__(self, parent=None): Frame. Python tkinter When Toplevel object is destroyed, With toplevel binding for <Destroy> the bound command executes multiple times. destroy) # When the button is pressed call `_return` self. destroy() vs . I needed a delay before calling a function and getting its return value. Label relx is a floating point value representing the relative x position. If you need it (you seem not to) you can still use the self parameter of the outer __init__ method. Avoiding EU import duty when mailing snowboard from UK then bringing it back on return flight? Loop over array cyclically Horizontal line in algorithm2e Environment Getting return value from tkinter button when clicked. Tk): def __init__(self): tk. Tkinter entry values not updating in toplevel window. import Tkinter def print_value(val): print val root = Tkinter. Get Bound Event Handler in Tkinter. Tk() frame = tk. The new toplevel behaves exactly like the automatically created root window. These options can be used as key-value pairs separated by commas. It returns the internal names of each window, not the window object. def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs): The toplevel widget is used when a python application needs to represent some extra information, pop-up, or the group of widgets on the new window. What I want to achieve is to have my new window positioned at the Return the resource value for a KEY given as string. You are going to need to use class attributes here and you need to assign at least the entry field and the label as a class attribute in Facebook Google+ Twitter Weibo Instapaper. Each root window (and all of its children, and all related StringVars etc. master = tk. Such names are matched against the option database, so your application can pick up The following example shows how to create a toplevel window, which can be opened from the main app widnow. I am trying to update the values in a list from values that are entered into an entry box created in TKinter. Toplevel size automatically fit its widgets. The other is to have the close button minimize the window. 0 == left edge, 1. Window resolution in Tkinter. I am attempting to create an application which has a main menu, with buttons to open child windows which will contain distinct Python tkinter - get value of toplevel field. Widgets and variables associated with this I have a problem with getting value from Entry in toplevel. OptionMenu(root, var, *[0,1,2,3,4,5]) #a drop-down list to choose a value for the variable In general, button callbacks are not used to return values in the way that you are describing. These variables work like normal variables. title("Brewer Info") new_window. Another benefit of using Toplevel is the dozen different methods available to it that provide extra functionality. master attribute, which is literally the master's instance :) For example (I am doing this in IPython): import Tkinter as tk # We organize a 3-level widget hierarchy: # root # frame # button root = tk. Deep. Therefore I have written the following code: import tkinter as tk import tkinter. get() return value. Hot Network Questions Multicolumns centered with line break Tracking Medicines What estimator of the number of distinct names should I use? How to tell when a new certificate root accepted to windows trusted root store Tkinter, get value from toplevel window. I have a Tkinter root window and a tk. How to get variables from toplevel window to main window? 3. set() and get() methods are used to set and retrieve the values of these variables. x = x self. In my example the user enters the real name of the people in a list. py files. I'm trying to use Tkinter's Entry widget. root. Rebinding <"Return> Key to a new function. Use return key and a button at the same time in tkinter. so to clarify You'll need to initialize self. Modified 8 years, Why does a return trip to This toplevel also contain a button that, once pressed, the toplevel is destroyed and the data introduced is returned to the function called by the event from the first button. grid(row=0, column=0) PrzyciskWprowadz=Button(Wprowadz, I need to restrict the values in the Entry widget to numbers only. tk. 2. Viewed 526 times 0 . Hot Network Questions Base current and collector current in BJT Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog I'm developing an easy program and I need to get the value from a Combobox. So a method is an object too. Frame. button = tk. sleep is freezing the tkinter GUI so i used tkinter. I wanted to know if there is a simple way to get all the toplevels from a specific window, including toplevels within toplevels. When you write I fixed your example code (I think). __init__(self, parent) self. tkinter. toplevel = tk. How to return value from tkinter button callback. font = Font type of the text. I managed to fix the problem, but I am curious to know why it worked and I would like to know if there is a better way to do it. Instead of trying to write a complex lambda that is hard to debug, put all of your logic inside the function. mainloop(). This method isn't exposed cleanly in Tkinter. -toolwindow gets or sets I have this script where I want to choose image from directory using Tkinter and then choose pixel on it but looks like tkinter. : bd or borderwidth: Border width in pixels; default is 0. With this fix, subsequent calls to makeToplevel will work as expected. I am new to Python and Tkinter so unable to figure out which might be the simplest thing to do. 15. mainloop() Iam new in Python, and my set goal is trying to create an application for myself to list and manipulate some data; in my case some coins. A minimal example is as fo The problem is that you have more than one root window. from tkinter import * # global variable blank_2 = [] blank_1 = [] # Function to create a top level window with entry boxes def open_new_window(): # Toplevel object which will be treated as a new window popup = Toplevel(main) global blank_2 global blank_1 # sets the title of the Toplevel widget popup. pack() root. title("Enter the value") # sets the geometry self. If user clicks within toplevel window it gains focus and smothers much smaller top2 window until toplevel window is dragged off of it. Remove that parameter, then it should work. First we need to fix some issues with the class. __init__(self) it should be super(). wait_window() to wait for the closing of the toplevel window and then get the input value via a StringVar associated with entry:. The short answer to your question is that you can use wait_window () to wait for the window to be dismissed, and then you can return whatever you want from your function. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 2 months ago. Before the toplevel window gets created, it is checked if the window already exists, to prevent opening the same window Getting return value from tkinter button when clicked. 3, “Colors”. toplevel doesn't exist when the check is first run. winfo_rootx() will give us the window's top left x coordinate, excluding the outer-frame. Toplevel(master=master) my_var = tk. If you want to access the score from another class (or in fact from another Tkinter, get value from toplevel window. py", line 363, in __init__ class popupWindow(object): def __init__(self,master,win_type): top=self. Returns a system-specific window identifier. Thus, that method should not have the self parameter. Yeah sorry, forgot to add this in. var = tk. My issue is that I simply need to use the tkinter window to return a value upon pressing the OK button on the form, which will also close down the form. var. Nothing to do with the database since when I try to print the variable it just returns as a blank value – jamielevy. from tkinter import Skip to main content as it is the return value of the function pack and not the Label object itself. Toplevel() # If the user presses the "X" in the window toolbar call `_return` self. Method 1: use an instance variable in the toplevel class. I modified the original mini program by: making it a class; adding a button and an extra method. One way to keep track of all created I have a class Duplicates that checks for duplicates within 40 words. class Example(tk. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 11 months ago. I've searched for other solutions to this but either they don't return a value (they simply print it) or don't allow Avoiding the global statement can be accomplished by passing a dictionary & key when you create an instance of a dialog box. py. 0? Is there any geographic resource that lists all the alpine peaks in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, etc. Numerical methods: why doesn't this python code return 1. org's tkinterbook. from tkinter import * from tkinter A couple of things to note right off: stovfl's comment answers the question as it is written; I agree fully with furas' comment about separating the gui fully from the logic. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I want to return the result of my function in a tkinter label instead of just printing the function result in the interpreter, I'm unable to do this, please help. Python - tkinter - How to capture bind function. IntVar() before the radiobuttons or your program will not know the variable. If user clicks within toplevel window it gains focus and smothers much smaller top2 I am totally new to tkinter. Tkinter wait_window(self. iconify turns the windows into icon. py (specifically after destroying the TopLevel window)? I am confused on how to pass this value across the . Fetching Data from second tkinter window. _register (func[, subst, needcleanup]) Return the toplevel widget of this widget. Have the function set the value. For exercise purposes, I created two Windows, the second Windows is called as module "textbetrachter" from first Wi How to create a child window on pressing a button using tkinter in python were I can entry values like for example: import tkinter root = Tk() But Skip to main content. Calendar(t, firstweekday=calendar. import tkinter as tk toplevel = tk. title("Calendar") cal = CalendarWidget. It just assigns return value from Return() to command. top=tk. This is because is is a bit awkward to manage return values using the observer pattern which is most often used for callbacks. Why are my winfo_screenmmwidth() and winfo_screenmmheight() are getting some weird numbers? Tkinter. How to let a tkinter button return it's text value. There are two entry fields and a submit button in on toplevel window. But time. The fix to this is to pack the Label in Here's a way to do it without importing tkinter as tk or using StringVars. for exemple, in my case i need a StringVar(): this works for python 3. protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self. current(0) was set or it would print nothing, no matter which one is selected in the In one of my projects I was trying to check within a child tk. Moreover, it is not necesssary to use super in this case (see What does 'super' do in Python Tkinter Toplevel - Toplevel widgets work as windows that are directly managed by the window manager. Modified 5 years, 2 months ago. In Python, pretty much everything is an object. Amongst the most useful these methods are withdraw() and deiconify() which can be used to withdraw If you want multiple windows, create instances of Toplevel. The same problem will occur when you try and assign button. * change tkinter to Tkinter for python 2 (i'm not 100% sure tho) The proper way is {tkinter_widget}. You need to destroy the instance of an existing window instead. Matt has shown one classic modification of the close button. When you write pop. How to set only the maximum Toplevel width? 0. Binding 'Return' press to Button in Python. Toplevel() t. Instead of tracing the variable, you can use the command option of the OptionMenu. set() is much to aggressive for my needs and blocks normal window operations. Add self. The interpreter will automatically set the variable with the value when the radio button is selected. label1. Tk. see The Variable Classes for more informations. after(0, Short Answer: Best way to structure a tkinter application. When run, it creates a main window with a single button. How to get variables from toplevel window to main window? 0. ttk as ttk py3 = True import Button_support def vp_start_gui(): '''Starting point when module is Return value: Returns True if widget exists, False otherwise. Once I added in a destroy for the first Tkinter window, my radio button works perfectly. button = Button(self. The values are as follows: On Windows, -disabled gets or sets whether the window is in a disabled state. Finally, winfo_toplevel is merely a method returns the reference for the Toplevel-like parent that a widget is in, be the parent an instance of a Toplevel or a Tk. Modified 6 years, 11 months ago. ) start a new, independent tcl interpreter. Frame): def __init__(self, parent): . Button(frame, text="Privet!", background='tan') button. You should only ever create exactly one instance of Tk, and call mainloop exactly once. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 10 months ago. If you use the new * ttk module from tkinter, you can read and write checkbutton states without assigning variables.