Parallel lines on mount of venus These are called Lines of Influence, and are the first introduction in this book to any factors outside of the subject himself, forming a part of what is called his "environment. —This augments and strengthens the things signified by the line of Life; it particularly 19 promises good success in war and a robust constitution. " It is a line that is believed to indicate aspects of a person's romantic relationships and marriage. Five parallel lines on the right hand, quite long. "Seen in the hands of several poor girls who had been seduced and then abandoned with their of spring. This sign (combination/yog) also denotes abroad travel or abroad journey after marriage. The fate line starting from the Mount of Venus (the portion Jun 8, 2020 · Short Fate Line Versus Long Fate Line On Hand In Palmistry Short Fate Line: If your fate line starts from Mount of Rahu and ends on between quadrangle or between heart line and head line then it is called short fate line or read as short fate line which indicates you will get success in your mid 30s or 40s after lots of struggle and hard work. For instance, a grid or crisscross pattern might reflect various emotional experiences or a complex love life. But as you have grown older, the influence of this person has waned. They are very healthy and are able to influence May 28, 2020 · Signs on the mount of Venus . (B) 3. The fate line starting from the Mount of Venus (the portion of the palm surrounded by the life line at the base of the thumb) and ending at the heart line indicates a marriage with a noted or rich person. If one vertical line is found on the mount of Saturn, that is a good sign. This the point of origination of the fate line so the line moves forwards and it Apr 19, 2013 · If a line from Mount of Venus goes parallel with Fate line up to Mount of Saturn, it indicates that bearer will get good luck after marriage or any love-affair. Several important factors of a human life are determined by its existence. Please explain. Jan 13, 2022 · If the Marriage Line or Line of Affection is favorable, the Mount of Venus is well-formed and free of defects, and the Fate Line is strong and well-marked, the subject with this formation will definitely get substantial help from his or her spouse. THE LINE OF DESTINY, ISLANDS, AND OTHER SIGNS. Fig 12. Two parallel lines on Saturn mount. This mount is situated near the percussion and just across the palm right from the mount of Venus. Two parallel lines - (often taken for sister lines to the Line of Fate) - Success, late and laborious. This generally indicates an increase of Venusian qualities, particularly the sexual appetites. Any line going on the mount of Sun is called the Sun line. If you have a high or wide mount of Venus, but your partner has a flat or narrow mount of Venus, then there can be problems in your relationship. Wound In The Legs. The Mars Line tells The Mars Line is found on only a few hands. A cross on the Mount of Moon shows an overactive imagination or a tendency to exaggerate. Conversely, if the Life Line is distant from the mount or if it is chained, it may point to an individual who is more guarded or conservative in their emotional expressions. The line of life is not an indicator of longevity. Line starting from Mount of Lower Moon and going towards Life Line. Line starting from Life Line and going to Mount of Lower Moon or Mount of Ketu or running parallel to the Life Line. It can also depict the danger of travel or fear of travelling over water. A line running from the Dragon line to the mount of the Moon shows adversities and private enemies; crooked or distorted it increases the evil and shows long servitude. (Fig 7) Starting from the Upper Mars A Sun Line that originates or terminates at a particular mount amplifies the traits of that mount in the context of public success. Many mixed lines reaching as low as the Line of Heart - Unwise generosity in the spending of money. Two circles on lifeline. Vertical line going Nov 19, 2018 · Sometimes parallel lines along the success line can refer to another person, particularly in family relationships, such as a supportive partner or one or both parents. Nov 7, 2020 · While reading the marriage we must analyze the heart line, headline, mount of Venus, Mount of Mars, Money line, and the mount of Mercury as well. On the Mount of Venus (ball of the thumb), it can mean unhappiness in love. It comes out of the life line almost at its end. If the fate line starts from the mount of Venus, it indicates that you will be free from worries as money will not be a problem. What it does reveal, however, is the quality of your life. Discover how understanding the Mount of Venus can help you enhance your relationships and personal vitality. If this is the case for you, what this means is that you are the type of person that is deeply emotionally affected when something happens to you in your life. Such important lines are the Mars line and the fate line. Flat, poorly rayed, marked, crisscrossing lines, reduced surface area, or total absence of a Jupiter mount does not imply the total absence of the qualities the mount depicts. The Mars Line tells Jul 25, 2019 · You can notice that the life line is parallel to the mount of Venus, but if there is another straight line on your Venus mount, it could symbolize your strong passions and emotions. (Fig 11) Fig 13. Feb 22, 2010 · Mount Of Venus on Palm: Hand Reading The Goddess of Beauty in Greek is located below the thumb and surrounded by the age line is known as the Mount of Venus according to the palmistry. Oct 15, 2020 · Parallel line on Sun Line from Mount of Venus : Inheritance of property. Signs on Venus Mount Table 3: Palm Reading – (Observations & Remarks) Palm Reading -1 (Observation with Remarks) S. ), but they must not be confounded with the Line of Mars, or "Sister Life Line," which commences higher up nearer the Mount of Mars. An Influence Line that runs parallel to the Life Line, running inside it, within the Mount of Venus, indicates that you had a person in your life when you were young, who wielded a great deal of influence on you. - If a line of Saturn be cut by a line running from an Influence line on Mount of Venus, and the Saturn line be broken for the rest of its course, and influence will cause a serious disaster (383). Their presence signifies a supportive influence, perhaps in the form of a partner or a close companion, who plays a pivotal role in an individual's journey of love and personal growth. Sun line which ends at fate line (pic C) means popularity at that age, but if the line bends toward Saturn is considered bad. ON the Mount of Venus and inside the Life line are a set of lines, some of which run parallel to the Life line and others which run across the Mount (277). . You will be creative and people will come forward to help you. But, if this line turns towards the thumb, that great feeling towards that person will be broken. The Minor Lines. Big Mount of Venus unusually due to life line- Venereal disease and over-sensuality. Influence Lines On The Mount Of Venus These are fine lines that run parallel with the Line of Life, but they must not be confounded with the Line of Mars, or "Sister Life Line," which commences higher up nearer the Mount of Mars. While speaking on this particular point, I must also call attention to the fact that when the Line of Head is curved downwards instead of running straight across the palm, that it seems to be more attracted to the qualities indicated by the Mount of Venus and gives more to the imaginative, romantic nature, showing a greater tendency to fall in love, than When a fine line runs parallel to this line and almost touches the line of marriage, it tells of some deep affection after marriage for the person on whose hand it appears. Jul 6, 2024 · In palmistry, the Venus mount is an area located at the base of the thumb and inside the lifeline on the palm. On that line a number of very deep dots close together. Dec 27, 2009 · hello, i have 3 parallel lines on the mount of sun, the middle one almost 1 cm long, the one on the left of it 1/2 cm long and one on the right of it 4mm long. The spot beneath the second phalange of the thumb and surrounded by the age line is called the Mount of Venus. Interpretation. On the other hand, if the mount and line of Venus are pressed on the palm of a person, then there is a lack of comfort in the person's life. Type of Venus Mount 15. That’s why it is known as a sister line or line of reputation in palmistry. May 8, 2018 · If the lifeline runs close to the thumb represents the person’s lack of sexual desire towards the opposite sex as the mount of Venus becomes smaller in size. (A) 5. Feb 29, 2024 · A line from Primary Mars cutting the Sun Line: Will be cheated by relatives; A line from Venus cutting the Sun Line: Problems caused by the opposite sex; A line from Mercury cutting the Sun Line: Sharp wit, but unsteady mind; SunLine descending from the Mount of Sun and ending at the bracelet line: Lucky in gambling or betting Jan 10, 2020 · Fig 10Starting from Mount of VenusIf your fate line starts from the Mount of Venus (the portion of the palm surrounded by the life line at the base of the thumb) and exceeds the heart line, it means you have no worries about money as you could inherit a fortune from parents, relatives or ancestors. The following list of typical mount lines and their effects: Jupiter Dec 21, 2009 · Heart line and jupiter mount; heart line ends at the mount of saturn; Heart line and head line mixed up; heart line ends at the mount of sun; Heart line goes into the mount of primary mars; Heart line ends at the index finger; Small lines cross the heart line; Heart line and its various meanings; Head line and its different signs: part 1 Sep 21, 2024 · The Girdle of Venus The Girdle of Venus, located above the heart line, is another rare palm line. If it rises from the Line of Life (2-2) then it denotes that you may get success whatever your life is. A strong love affair normally increases the size and Nov 14, 2020 · THE LINE OF LIFE AND ITS VARIATIONS. Feb 23, 2024 · The Girdle of Venus is not a common line on everyone’s hand but can be found in many palm readings. Jan 5, 2024 · Grilles and Crosses. May 9, 2023 · In palmistry, the Mars line is also known as the "Passion Line" or "Marriage Line. Feb 2, 2015 · The influence lines on the Mount of Venus, which run parallel to the lifeline, on the inside of it, are influences of people, and these are the most reliable. line and in some cases they run parallel The seventh Mount type is the Venusian, and the portion of the hand which locates them is the Mount of Venus, situated at the base of the thumb. A line from primary mars cuts the sun line : May become a subject of cheating by relatives; A line from venus cuts the sun line : Troubles from opposite sex; A line from mercury cuts the sun line : Abundance of wit, but unsteady mind; Sun line descends from the mount of sun and ends at the bracelet line : Lucky in gambling or betting Nov 22, 2017 · The lines of Mars rise from the lower part of the Mount of Mars or from near the initial part of the Life line and proceed towards the Mount of Venus. It is not found on all the hands. The Venus Mount. If strong, the patterns indicate intestinal ulcers; Criss-cross or horizontal lines on the Mount of Moon indicate weak uterus and discharge problems for women Sep 26, 2015 · Sometimes there may be two fate lines running parallel in the palm. Dec 21, 2024 · Influence lines from Venus mount to heart line: islands (0 reply) Parallel straight Girdle of Venus at the left hand of Male (1 reply) Need Some Insights (0 reply) Oct 25, 2020 · Mars line should be identified carefully as people tend to consider Venus Line to be Mars Line a lot of times which are running parallel to Mars Line which people think is double Mars Line. (Nitin Kumar Palmist) Influence line from Mount of Venus join Fate Line. 26) If many marriage lines on hand then there are chances of few short term relationships in early life or failure in love or late marriage because subject is choosy and not able to find A star with a fine Line of the Sun and several clear parallel lines on the Mount - Great wealth and generally fame or at least high social standing, These lines have been called by ancient authors Lines of Reputation. Persons having this Mount of very high order are beautiful and civilized. Jan 5, 2024 · Sister Lines, parallel to the Heart Line, are another fascinating feature found on the Venus Mount. Mount of Venus. Mount lines in palmistry are the lines at the base of each finger that are parallel to the Life Line and run perpendicular to it. If you have a line parallel to the line of life that is bordering the Mount of Venus, it implies that you will always have a very important person by your side, be it a love or a great friendship. Some common minor lines include: The Sun Line. The lines that cut the head line at the start are usually trouble from relations in the early portion of life. Some lines on the hand are very auspicious and some are inauspicious. Influence line from Mount of Moon join Fate Line. Branch of fate line join heart line. Stars on the mount of Venus show that the person will be greatly successful in a loving relationship and finds the best Jul 23, 2023 · 1. I have found this to be true when the two parallel lines are very high on the mount, reaching the finger of Apollo or between Saturn and Apollo. Influence of three worlds 16. Jul 24, 2024 · Wavy Fate Line: Reflects fluctuating life circumstances or changes in career direction. balanced fate line indicates excellence in life. Starting from the Upper Mars: This Sun Line suggests a successful career built on diligence, endurance, restraint, and down-to-earth practicality. Gender Female 2. Seldom do we find that the sunline originates on the mount of Venus. The first line a person typically looks at on the palm is the line of life. —A line running parallel with the line of Life on mount of Venus. These Venus Influence Lines are more often found with those persons who have what is called the "Venus temperament Mar 21, 2010 · It originates from the Aggressive Mars, runs parallel to the Line of Life towards the Mount of Venus and terminates at the wrist or the Mount of Venus. Life line starts from Jupiter Mount- Good teacher and ambitious. 12. What is this line calls and if it is only in your right hand and absent from your right hand . Dec 15, 2023 · Understanding the Mount in Conjunction with Other Factors. (Fig 18) STOPPED BY THE HEAD LINE The fate line stopped at the head line shows the cease of work by your own decision. Its position, length, and other characteristics are said to provide insights into a person's love life May 26, 2017 · If the Mars line runs parallel to the life line, it sometimes depicts a person with a dual personality (or they may have a twin). ) Many mixed lines - Shrewdness not of the best; scientific aptitudes, dangerously directed. A strong, red line on the Mount separating the first and second fingers-Weakness of the intestines. Dec 14, 2022 · The texture of the skin, type of nails, quadrangle, and elasticity of the bulging mount helps to correctly identify the strength of the mount of mercury. It is named after the Roman goddess Venus, sym Jul 26, 2019 · Single vertical line on Saturn mount. —A line running parallel with the line of Life on mount of Venus. Start of Fate line : Sometimes fate is starts from Mount of Moon, it indicates success from own capabilities and interpersonal relations. Island on Heart line under Mount of Sun. The drooping head line that goes to the mount of Moon and is afflicted by other unfavorable sign, such as the start, cross, island or dot bring bad results. Girl Mother Abandoned with Her Child - Two lines clearly traced on the Mount of Venus, close to the second phalanx of the thumb and cat by two distinct crosses. This mount reveals what a person is drawn to, what troubles them, and what aspects of life Jun 8, 2018 · The line from Mount of Venus joining the fate line. It is a distinctive marking for extra health, energy, protection and even a unique talent. It is an independent line; hence it does not touch the life line. As the palmists have opined after a prolonged research of that there may be one or more than one line of Mars. 3/19), Worry lines which intersect the main. Hence, there are lots of troubles and miseries in a person’s life when this mount is absent on the palm. Dec 16, 2012 · Those with a predominant mount of Luna may express some qualities which are feminine. Apart from this, if many types of small and cut lines are made on the Mount of Venus and the line, then the person's mind is always sad. Nature of he Line Characteristic features of the subject. On Mount of Mars: One Vertical line on the Mount of Mars indicates courage. An exaggerate Mount of the Moon. So the readers must be careful when There is a large triangle formed below the "Plane of Mars" on left male hand touching the parallel straight line known as "Girdle of Venus". Sun Line cuts by bar lines (obstacles line) : Obstacles and hurdles in regular interval. Someone with many of these lines running vertically on the Venus mount, the person is involved in the lives of others. 2 subscribers in the indianpalmistry community. Realated Link: Palmistry Mounts Oct 8, 2020 · Sun line from mount of Venus. A rectangle, or a star found on the sun line is also considered lucky. May 20, 2013 · Damage may be reduced to a minimal one or prevented all together. These Venus Influence Lines are more often found with those persons who have what is called the "Venus temperament," or who are Oct 25, 2020 · If fate line is long and starts from bracelet and an influence line from Mount of Moon comes and joins fate line it denotes love marriage or if branch of fate line goes towards Mount of Moon then it denotes love marriage. If an island is found in the any portion of a Plain of Mars then it denotes a duration of great troubles, loss in your profession INFLUENCE LINES ON THE MOUNT OF VENUS These are fine lines that run parallel with the Line of Life (11-11), but they must not be confounded with the Line of Mars, or "Sister Life Line," which commences higher up nearer the Mount of Mars. (Fig 7) Starting from the Upper Mars Mar 2, 2021 · Star, Square, Dot, rectangle, Triangle on Sunline and in Sun Mount:- if there is triangle is formed because of interjection of Head Line Sun line or Heart line Sun line or with Fate line then native may get famous all over the country and may also get quite famous in all over the world. (see figure - 1) Aug 27, 2020 · What is the meaning of overdeveloped Mount of Jupiter. Location: Found at the base of the thumb, encircling the ball of the palm. More about the Venus Mount Lines – The Mars Line. Normally, a centrally located star on Venus mount suggests incredible support from the spouse, fulfillment of sexual desires, fortunate marriage, self-confidence, happiness in the matter of love, and fame in the advertising industry. Mars line is parallel to a lifeline. These lines give important indications about the future of the person. It indicates you will great achieve success without having any background. Sometimes it also acts as a protection to the main sun line. —This augments and strengthens the things signified by the line of Life; it particularly promises good success in war and a robust constitution. Life line starts from Lower Mount of Mars- Struggle and obstacles in life. (C) 4. Normal position of the Lines: These lines appear on the Mount of Venus either vertical or horizontally. Wide Mount Of Venus If sun line has a crossing downward line but has a star on the other side if there is a line arising from inbetween first and second finger and goes across the palm horizontally almost parallel to heart line what does it mean. The Mars Line can sometimes start at the Mount of Lower Mars. lines are indicative of serious worries. Age of Fame depends on the point of interjection like if Secondary Fate Line From Mount Of Venus Parallel To Main Fate Line Jun 25, 2022 · The size of your Venus mount is essential in determining your relationship compatibility. Sometimes, such lines proceeds parallel to life line to its very end. #occultsanctum #Palmistry #MarriageLine #VenusMount #Loss Location. Mount Lines on Palmistry. Understanding the confluence of these primary lines with the Venus mount helps to build a comprehensive view of an individual’s emotional landscape and Starting from Mount of Venus: The Sun Line starting from the Mount of Venus and extending to the base of the ring finger symbolizes prosperity and fame achieved with the support of family. They can also represent anyone who has impacted or made a strong impression. However, if you notice a couple of straight lines on your mount of Venus, it probably means that your life will be full of affairs. (Read: How to know favourable and unfavourable Venus mount) 2. This mount also represents sickness in an individual. Oct 25, 2020 · 2. These lines are of two types, that c an be located along the life line, and can be called assistant to the life line. The line of the fate may commence from the wrist, from the mount of Moon, from the life line or from head or heart line. Any line pointing towards or reaching the mount of Saturn is called the fate line or the line of Saturn, The sun line. These mounts have meanings based on the planets and Gods. Position of Venus mount, 14. A line of Head broken under the Mount of Saturn. (For vertical and cross lines on the Mount when on or near, the Percussion read in connection with the Lines of Union - See Chapter on Lines of Union. Normally, the lines of travelling become visible on the mount of Moon. This mount is a representation of the family, desire, romance and love in ones life. Judging Venus Mount 13. Jul 6, 2011 · The Mount of Venus is considered as a vital part of the palm. Venus Line indicates inclination towards opposite sex. A number of lines - The more numerous the lines, the greater the ill-luck. The one instance in which the square denotes negative influences is when it is found on the upper portion of the Mount of Venus near the life line, where it denotes detention or incarceration. These lines leave the life line extending towards the mount of Moon. Feb 28, 2023 · It is a challenging task to read this marking as its meaning changes depending on the location and various aspects of the hands. Deafness. It is also known as the Inner Life Line, as it is located inside the Mount of Venus, running partly along the length of the Life Line. The lines of Mars originate either from the lower region of the Mars or from the initial part of the life line and proceed towards the mount of the Venus. Between 14 hours ago · A strong mount indicates excellent communication skills and sharp intelligence. This mount is normally around a third of the subject's palm. Sun line that divides like a fork is considered good while a chained sun line indicates obstacles. Some call it a sister line. The Mars line runs parallel and close to the line of life on the side of the Venus mount. On the other hand, the combination of the Mars line with the fate line is considered very auspicious. Island on Head line under Mount of Sun. At the age of around 42, a double fate line emerges and runs parallel with the main fate line till the very end. Mount of Venus is the symbol of love, art, and romance. Understanding the Mount of Venus. Oct 9, 2018 · Lines on the Mount of Venus. Horizontal lines on Mount of Moon. * A chained line at the end results in impairment of mental faculties. Yon will find the single line feature to be favorable on every Mount, if uncut and not written crosswise. As single signs or in combination, the triangle, circle, square, or single vertical lines strengthen the Mount of Venus. Malformation of ridges with thin lines parallel to the Health Line under the Head Line represent bacterial infection in intestines. If Sunline is parallel to fate line, it shows success in business. " Only those The mount of Venus is named after the goddess of love. This mount indicates the individual’s preferences and inclinations. It can originate from the Mount of Moon between the life and health line, or the Mount of Venus. Jul 25, 2019 · You can notice that the life line is parallel to the mount of Venus, but if there is another straight line on your Venus mount, it could symbolize your strong passions and emotions. Generally, it is a line near or even parallel to the Line of Health. This is an off shoot from the life line and goes towards the Mer¬cury. Line starting from Mount of Lower Mars and meeting the Life Line and going toward Mount of Rahu. If the line of marriage gets divided into two parts in the end then this situation will create problems in relationships. Sep 16, 2023 · Overdeveloped mount of Saturn. A square after perturbations in a line signifies repair. Lines of Influence 19. Minor lines provide further details about specific aspects of life. The padded areas on the hand are named after planets, and the ones located under the fingers have the same name as the finger, except the thumb. B. Venus mount on the palm represents also represents your family and loved ones. Jan 27, 2016 · A line passing from the Dragon line through the mount of Venus, presages adversities either by means of some kindred or a wife. On Mount of Apollo: A deep straight vertical line on the Mount of Apollo denotes wealth or fame or both in just one career. Venus Mount on hand signifies beauty, grace, sexuality, desires, love, richness in food and clothes. The Venus mount is a term in palmistry for the ball of the thumb. The vertical lines on the Mount of Venus show mainly family influences, whether from the mother, father, or siblings. Cross Lines A Line From The Line To The Lower Mount Of Mars (In a woman's hand), unfavorable attachment in early life having caused great sorrow to the Jun 8, 2020 · Circle on Head line under Mount of Sun. Details will be given when Venus Line is discussed in detail. (C) 6. It appears as a curved or semi-circular line that runs parallel to the heart line. The Health Line. Apart from this, they have to face physical and mental problems. It sometimes represents the divorce. Basing the conclusions on a single line increases the risk of errors in analysis, therefore every line on your palm can tell about Dec 12, 2016 · See Zest for Life From Your Venus Mount and Other Areas of the Palm. Apr 17, 2017 · If the line runs parallel to the main sun line also known as the double sun line indicates the dual interests of the person in one’s life. Among the multitude of lines that might appear on the Venus mount, grilles and crosses hold particular significance. A single line - Success. A marriage line without other lines means we have a narrow vision. It is also frequently the most prominent line on the palm as it arcs around the mount of Venus, reaching somewhere near the wrist. If you correctly judge the Influence line from which this cutting line stars to be the wife or husband, and if from it chance line runs to Mount of Jun 1, 2018 · The life line starts just above the base of the thumb and encircles the Venus mount. The Mars Line is found on only a few hands. Jul 23, 2024 · A person with a prominent Mount of Venus will be blessed with material happiness and children. If the mount of the Venus is highly developed than the person would be a beauty lover and perfectly civilized. Jan 29, 2024 · A Life Line curving neatly around a pronounced Mount of Venus suggests a person who embraces life with vigor and has a strong physical presence. When the person has two parallel lines on the Saturn mount, that is a good sign, but it indicates that success comes Jan 3, 2018 · The Mount of Venus represents a sense of beauty, sensuality, love, romance, sympathy, and physical appearance. Oct 15, 2020 · The first instance is that the beginning of the fate line is on the mount of venus. In palmistry, the Mount of Venus represents love, passion, relationships, sensuality, and vitality. William Benham describes someone with many influence lines on the Mount of Venus as having a healthy sexual appetite. Ideally, the Venus mount should be of the same size as your partner. If the mount of Venus is well-developed and pinkish in color indicates that the person has got a strong sex drive towards the opposite sex and a magnetic personality to reckon with. If you have this marking, you’ll see an arched line swooping from the base of your middle finger to the base of your ring finger. It indicates the person leaving a calm and harmonious life until their old age. If the sun line runs parallel with it, your business would go more smoothly. With a dual personality, often there is also a double head line. Flexibility of the Hand 17. Feb 1, 2024 · Lines on the Mount of Venus can be particularly revealing. So, a Sun Line ending at the Mount of Jupiter might signify leadership roles that bring fame, while one touching the Mount of Venus could indicate public acclaim through artistic or passionate ventures. Excess of everything is bad, and the mount of Jupiter in palmistry is no exception. The fate line can be seen to run up the middle of the palm with energy flowing up towards the fingers. Also known as the Apollo line, it runs parallel to the fate line and indicates fame, creativity, or accomplishments. When a mound of Venus is well-developed, it brings many good opportunities their way. If you are interested in palmistry and want to become an expert then this community will be helpful… the Lower Mount under the Line of Life and above the Mount of Venus; The Plain of Mars is located in the centre of the palm, which bears some relation to the Martian type. The Lines of Influence, both vertical and horizontal, form what is commonly called the Grille on the Mount of Venus. Line of the Mars is one of the significant lines in the science of palmistry. These are as follows: * A line at the end of the head line drooping to the mount of moon-insanity. The line may have variations like deep, clean, wavy, weak or strong lines. The cross, grille, island or dot show defects of the Mount (127). This region reveals the love life of the subject. Only persons with prominent Mount of Venus can only recognize the world properly and enjoy it. Grilles, which are sets of intersecting lines, often denote a complexity in emotional matters, sometimes leading to a restless or scattered approach to love and relationships. If the worry line coming from the Mount of Venus goes upto the Line of Saturn or the Line of life, it is indicative of anxieties for which the family of a person is responsible (See Fig. Lifeline tie with headline- Cautious person but weak decision power. Even it may come as a tiny line on its Mount. There are no specific positions for these lines. (Fig 7) Starting from the Upper Mars Dec 5, 2017 · This line can appear differently depending on what type of hand it is on. Jun 6, 2020 · The horizontal line from the mount of venus cutting the head line is negative lines. If the mount of Saturn is overdeveloped accompanied by a long Saturn finger suggests that the individual is likely to exhibit eccentric behavior, late marriage, prefer solitude over social interactions, there is a tendency to hold grudges against others, and have an increased inclination toward fault-finding. These Venus Influence Lines are more often found with those persons who have what is called the "Venus temperament," or who are Jan 10, 2024 · A heart line starting under the mount heralds a warm, generous nature, whereas if the head or life lines are chained or broken upon the mount, it might point towards emotional upheavals. Two shallow branches stretching out from the ends Life Line: Starts on the Head Line, moderate length, ends aligning with middle of the wrist Marriage Line: Multiple short lines Girdle of Venus: Only about 1cm long, ends with two shallow branches These are the only 5 deep lines on my palms, appreciate any assistance on better understanding On Mount of Venus Grilles on the Mount of Venus suggest you love to look good and you are amorous and very eager for other's love. This line is believed to reflect the events which are beyond the control of an individual like decisions related to studies, choice of career, choice of life partner and failures and achievements in one’s life. SIGN OF LOVE MARRIAGE IN PALMISTRY . Read More: Fortunate Signs on the Mount of Moon in your hands, CLICK HERE Chained Life line and head line The Sun Line may appear from the following locations: From the Line of Destiny, the Line of Life, the Mount of Mars, the Plain of Mars, and the Line of Heart or from the Line of Head it rises. Two vertical lines parallel to each other on the Mount of Saturn shows consistent efforts bring success rather late in life. This help need not always be financial or material. A star without a good Line of the Sun - Fame after many risks incurred; and not generally of a desirable character. Life line indicates the physical energy and vitality, resistance to diseases and accidents, enthusiasm, and major event happenings in the person’s life. They are listed below. Ending at mount of Saturn: If your fate line is started from the base of the palm and ends at the mount of Saturn, which is right below the middle finger. It appears A net on Venus mount indicates his untruthful character. What palmistry fate line on hand mean? Fate line begins from the center, on the base of the Hand. If the mount is flat, it may suggest difficulty in expressing oneself, while an overly developed mount could imply deceit or manipulation. The person will be insensitive and harsh in day-to-day activities. A positive mount is soft to touch, and slightly pink. However, if the mount of Lunar is well developed it shows that a person has a higher level of imagination for some activities like poetry, literature, travel and nature. Jan 6, 2022 · palmistry mount of venus sukra parvat looks like this in your palm so you can get wealth and respect आपकी हथेली में ऐसे दिखता है शुक्र पर्वत, तो मिल सकता है बेशुमार दौलत और मान-सम्मान, आप भी चेक Jul 17, 2014 · All Branches, small lines if those are originating from life line and are heading towards fingers, those lines indicate very auspicious time in life, at that particular age where an upward line is there the native will prosper in life by his self-effort, if other lines just cross that line from any mount so he will face obstacles according to the mount’s nature in the process of improvement Jan 8, 2025 · A Marriage Line ending on the Venus Mount with a cross or star signifies loss of a spouse, reflecting emotional challenges and potential separation. Cross Mark on the Mount of Venus. There are some types of shapes that are important on the mount of Venus palmistry. If an island is observed on the palm of a female connecting with the Line of Destiny or Line of Fate with Mount of Venus then it is an obvious sign of her seduction (5). and i also have a line coming out from the heart line in the region of the mount of sun but directs towards the gap between the 2nd and the 3rd finger, what does it mean? i also have like 3 lines each of 1cm and two 4mm line on the Vertical lines on venus mount palmistry And hast Rekha ke bare me batayeशुक्र पर्वत पर बनने वाले निशान -हस्तरेखा Jul 3, 2021 · 25) If there is a cross on mount of Jupiter, an influence line join main fate line, and marriage line is long then there are strong chances of love marriage. These are fine lines that run parallel with the Line of Life (11-11, Plate XVIII. The time when such worries would beset the person concerned can be These are fine lines that run parallel with the Line of Life (11-11, Plate XVIII. These are the advanced concepts in palmistry that can only be understood and experienced by reading thousands of wide varieties of palms from different cultures and origins. Two lines - Ambition divided in its purpose and hence unsuccessful. Its positioning below the thumb and adjacent to the life line gives it an essential role in deciphering an individual’s emotional and romantic inclinations. Characteristics of Mount 18. It starts between the index and middle finger and curves upward to the base of the little finger. It is found at the base of your thumb. The Mount of Venus, or Shukra Parvat, is a key area in palmistry that reveals insights into love, passion, and physical vitality. argireline solution 10 benefits; dwarf lemon scented gum root system; riverside county registrar of voters address; best sororities at ucla; who does dawson lose his virginity to in dawson's creek Jun 21, 2019 · Small Mount Venus due to life line- Weak health. Jan 10, 2020 · Fig 7Starting from Mount of Venus The sun line begins from the Mount of Venus (the portion of the palm surrounded by the life line at the base of the thumb) and extends to the base of the ring finger usually could gain both wealth and fame with the help of family. Starting from Mount of Venus The sun line begins from the Mount of Venus (the portion of the palm surrounded by the life line at the base of the thumb) and extends to the base of the ring finger usually could gain both wealth and fame with the help of family. If the whole Mount of Venus is covered by grilles, it means you often think too much and have to worry about many things. Each mount line corresponds to a particular planet and is thought to have an impact on a person's personality and skills. Yes, there are 2 lines going parallel horizontally and forming a large triangle. It is a rare occurrence, rare does not always mean the best. The Mars line typically starts at the base of the palm and extends horizontally across the palm. Located at the base of the thumb, this mount reflects your capacity for affection, romantic inclinations, and overall energy levels. The Mars Line gives more strength to a Life Line (especially if it is a weak one). In addition, the presence of a well-defined vertical line is often associated with a deep capacity for love and a strong attachment to loved ones. Oct 12, 2020 · Overdeveloped Mount of Venus in Palmistry; Hi I have four parallel lines, quite long, on the left hand. In the map, the lower boundary of Lower Mars is the word “aggression,” and all under that word belongs to the Mount of Venus. General function of these Lines: The presence of these lines reflects the extent to which the subject may be influence by others. Since the mount of Neptune is found at the base of the palm, in the center, it is possible for it to connect to the life line in some cases. Stars on the mount of Venus . Mount of Primary Mars: When this mount is strong, the person becomes bold and A line pretty far down the Mount of Verrus, running parallel to the Line and rising to the Lower Mount of Mars - the person in whom the subject is interested will drift away more and more. when a line arises from Venus mount and touches the marriage line, it indicates some nuisance about marriage. If two parallel lines extend upwards from the regions of Venus and Hershel, then it positively signifies that the person will undergo numerous travels in his/her life. N Title Description 1. Palmistry isn’t solely reliant on a single feature; it’s a comprehensive study that considers various aspects of the hand, including the Mount of Venus, alongside lines like the heart line, head line, and fate line. ybvt iaqxs tmn rvkl xux emznn zwke wcaami bxjp qaxrj