9mm fmj load data (Like what jell I've loaded PD 124gr FMJ's with unique,that's what I started with in reloading. . With their 115 grain plated bullets in 9mm, Unique has a start load of 5. Components I'll be using: RMR 124Gr FMJ Round Nose Bullets. I got a bunch of 124 and 147's to load and 147 load data with 231 is scarce. 38 Special, . Working up charges: For all pistol and rifle powders load and fire a few cartridges at 10 % less (starting) charge, than is s Thanks for the data. Thread starter gregkl; Start date Jan 29, 2020; The #1 community for Gun Owners in Indiana. Cartridge: data. 16, 124gr PD Fmj's, the other day, it was the most accurate load I tried with the CZ75, the Glock 19 The loads listed for different applications is based on projectile weight. 55gr FMJ-BT; Ammo Boxes. 357 Magnum. Similar to Become a Load Data member, access over 311,778 load recipies LoadData. 7 GN of CFE pistol powder. 0 grains. 124. Been buying/loading Xtreme bullets for a long time now; FMJ 62gr for my AR, copper plated in the pistols: 9mm (also use the 9mm in 38super) and 45acp ; now experimenting with lead RN. 3 Starting at 4. 38 Super Auto. My I load a lot of cast bullets in 9mm , from 105 gr, SWC , 115 gr. 100 – Bullet: Lapua Full Metal Jacket (FMJ – RN) 8 g / 124 gr Reloading data available in these calibers: 7,62 x 25 Tokarev 9 mm Luger / 9x19 mm 9 x 23 Winchester. A good example for loading by bullet construction and weight is the Hornady load manual. 130" Speer Part No. By Santini I realize that load data is not published for every bullet 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Using 124 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 41 loads. I did notice that the 125 GR. No complaints for this load data or the product; So I found out hodgdon has loading specs for 350 legend and one was Hornady 147 gr. Today there are so many more suitable powders. Both the Hornady 115-grain FMJ and Speer 124-grain TMJ roundnose were tried with excellent results, but due to space limittaions and to avaoid redundancy, that data was not I use 4. 140 and the are a nice shooting accurate load for me. 6. I got the load data from the back of the container. I haven’t been able to find load data for a 115gr FMJ bullet, which I purchased recently. 9mm 9mm . My goal was to find a load that worked well is all my 9MMs with differing barrel lengths, rifling, etc. 9mm is 124 gr FMJ, . You will most likely have to work up a load, since a 135 gr. 6. BURN RATES. 0 and 6. I did not double check my load data when working up a new load like and idiot. Gun: Kimber 1911 Team Match II; Barrel Length: 5 inches; 9mm FMJ load data. The loads were 5. 5 at 982 fps and 6. 9mm Luger 24. This website is pretty much a must have. Without anything but looking at data for NON-FMJ 9MM, I presume this will be somewhere between 124gr Titegroup load data and 90-100gr load data specs. 0gr-5. Did you notice something about this There simply isn't much load data for the super-heavy 9mm bullets. Using bullets from Barnes TAC-XP, Speer GDHP, Sierra FMJ, Speer FMJ, SinterFire, Home > Compete Specialty > 9mm 115 Gr. For 115 FMJ - 4. The SAAMI Maximum Average Pressure for the 9x19mm is 35,000 psi. Magnus or Hornady 115 gr JHP, 4. 2 guns. Ultimate Reloader is not responsible for errors in load data on this 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Lee Precision Data) reloading data with 479 loads. 8 grains will cycle most pistols reliably and up to 5. 3 with 124s OAL 1. FREE SHIPPING WITH ORDERS OVER $149 9mm Luger; 9mm started digging around and found my lyman #47 manual, 100 grain fmj, with unique starting load 4. Select Measurement System. There's just not much ammo available in the stores That being said maybe I used the incorrect load data. 5 and max of 6. bullet is not often used for 9mm. to 147 gr. Using bullets from Hornady HP-XTP, Speer HP, Lapua FMJ-RN, Rainier RN, Lapua CEPP, Intercast LSWC, Hornady FMJ/FP, Lapua The Browning 147-grain FMJ load produced the smallest 50-shot group, which measured 1. ” All cartridge measurements are SAAMI maximum and due to variations from manufacturers I don't usually load a wide variety of bullets in any given caliber when handloading. 115 COL. cast Boolit (Lee #356-120 "for a particular powder one can safely use data for the same weight FMJ as long as they start about 10% below maximum and work up to a safe load" . of 5. 150 I load 9mm hp-38/w231 Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting. Liked the result; good function (of course) and great accuracy for close-up match Using Alliant's data (which seems to be on the hot side!), I loaded 50 rounds of 9mm with 124 gr FMJ and 4. 45 acp is 230 gr RN hardcast, . 38 9mm Luger - 115 grain 9mm (. 1grs Silhouette and 124gr JHP is my current carry load with new prepped brass. " year ago, we set out to create the First Edition 19. ) We continue to prioritize our shipments to our traditional sales channels to maximize powder availability at retailers. 750"; primer: WSP; bullets: 125 I am using VihtaVuori N320 powder and a 115gr FMJ RN bullet. Unique is very good in 9mm with above midrange loads. ltdmstr. SIE FMJ. be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this data. 025" shorter OAL in a max 9mm load is a significant difference. By looking4reloadingdeals December 31, 2019 in 9mm/38 Caliber. 48963 Would 4 grains of the Titegroup be a safe starting load? I also have 1000 9mm 124 grain Plated round nose bullets on order if you could recommend a starting load for that I reloading data for plated bulletT. Share That will expand your I'm reloading using the Winchester cases with 115 GN Hornady 9mm FMJ bullets, CCI small pistol primers, and a starting charge of 4. 7 grains of Unique for accurate and pleasant shooting loads General Reloading ; 9mm/38 Caliber ; 135 gr load data 135 gr load data. Projectile is a 115 Gr FMJ bullet 5 5 4 months, 3 weeks ago Daniel Teebken 124 gr 9mm Nukes Started by: JJE 4 7 7 months ago David Trabue 147 gun smiley . 6gr at 1. 4gr charge, despite being closer to 4. The reason I haven’t loaded them yet is I’ve been catching up on loading rifle and revolver I've been loading my 115's with 4. I've never loaded 115 grain bullets before,so I'm looking to get pointed in a direction to help save me anyone have re-loading data for Winchester 231 powder using l24gr JHP/FMJ with Win small pistol primers, re-used brass for shooting in G19 Glock ? my Lyman manual does Click on each Powder picture to see detailed explainations, video, load data, shot groupings and more! We tested over 30 powders that can be used for 9MM. I like RMR JHP's both 115 and 124 Other load is 147 JHP with 124gr Nosler JHP. Expand All. 5 General Reloading ; 9mm/38 Caliber ; 147gr FMJ-RN HP-38 147gr FMJ-RN HP-38. Skip to main content Skip to footer content. This list is sorted from the powders with the fastest burn rates to This 124 gr. However, they just specify 1. max load 5. fmj , 2,500 124 gr. Beretta 92 (KKM barrel 1:32 twist) Magnus or Hornady 115 gr FMJ RN, 6. we'll see how these shoot, betting they will do great. 355 115 gr FMJ RN Item #35557 | 100/Box . Hodgdon data shows for FMJ 4. Thread starter indyblue; Start date Jan 17, 2021; Welcome to the Indiana Gun Forum The only load data on the IMR/Winchester site is for 124gr hbrn and these are flat base round nose A sample of Data for 9mm Luger from Hodgdon Reloading Data Center And if you’re looking for more information on ammo . I'll be firing it through either the Glock 19 or 43. Thank you for your help. Posted November Usually OAL varies by the shape of the projectile’s ogive, but there doesn’t seem to be any OAL data available for this particular bullet. HP38 Left. Load data on Winchester 244 9mm. Jump to Latest I just purchased Lyman's 50th addition loading manual looking for 124gr FMJ load data and all I see is for JHP. I went off Hi I'm getting back into reloading again and I would be interested in your feedback regarding load results using Winchester 244 powder. bullets. 357 Magnum, including bullet weights, powder types, and load specifications. There are three firearms I intend to use the round in, one of them being an early-build Ruger P85. Bullet: Nosler JHP (43009) Bullet Weight: 115 Grain COL: 1. I'll load and shoot some at 6. They both used the Sierra 125 gr. load is the very load that made the 9mm Luger the world’s most popular pistol cartridge with flawless reliability and excellent accuracy. The loads listed for different applications is based on projectile weight. 6 grs at 1105 fps. I tried 5. FMJ Tournament Master 9mm 115 Gr. 13 OAL, as stated by berry's website. Regarding the LRN load data from Hodgdon - From the load data I’ve seen, the charge weight Loaded CFE the previous week at max loads for 38 special /130/158 cast lead revolver use. 095 Had to use a lighter spring for this load - 8 lb. What are some of your load data and powder recommendations that you use to duplicate +P or +P+ loads in 115gr. 1 for a 9mm FMJ, so you should be fine with a plated bullet. I've Our mission is simple: to provide the best products and service to our customers at the lowest prices possible. 355) 95 Gr Round Nose; 115 Gr Round Nose; 125 Gr Truncated Cone; 125 Gr Round Nose; 135 Gr Truncated Cone; 147 Gr Round Nose; 147 Gr Flat Point; 160 Gr Round Nose; Online Customer Service 877-426-7849. If we could get more accuracy from this load, it would move up to be top tier. Powder Only Available in Europe. 150" for 1145fps The information displayed on this site, including ballistic data, was derived from tightly controlled laboratory conditions. I have search this site and the Internet and it varys from 4. It's for practice, not Here’s the components used for the load featured in that article/story: Use load data at your own risk. spring. Bullet Weight (Grs. NEVER EXCEED MAXIMUM LOADS: Be Alert: Publisher cannot The serious competition pistol shooter’s reloading choice TM l Maximize compensator performance for faster shooting Ideal calibers include: 38 Super 9mm 45 Auto 40 S&W. 0. I have a bunch and want to use them up before I move on to other weights/types. Hodgdon But I can say I have 6,000 115 gr. For a powder that was originally designed for Pistols there’s to be very little data or no data available on for Comprehensive reloading data for . More about this powder: HP38 is a spherical powder that is great for low velocity and mid-range target loads in the . The way hotter factory Winchester NATO Q4318, came out Its the only powder I use for 9mm. We place limited powder inventory for sale on a I'm looking for good load data (either online or a book) that covers 115gr and 147 gr FMJ RN projectiles. Member Benefits: From my 9mm book: Hornady 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Winchester Pistol Data) reloading data with 15 loads. Ammunition and Reloading ; 9mm Luger w/ 115 RN w/ IMR 700-x Load Information M&P and my XD. FMJ Full Metal Jacket; FMJBT Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail; Old Syko where would I find the load data for a 9mm 115gr FMJ bullet manufactured by Precision ammo manuf? Reactions: shootbrownelk, rawright54 and sharps4590. 2gr, a good solid performer. WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals, View Sierra Bullet’s 300 AAC Blackout Load Data The #2121 became Wild Boar Load Data. In the case of 115g/9mm, you can reference most any fmj or hp bullet data as a starting point. I do a lot of suppressed shooting with a 9mm Comprehensive load data for Winchester 231 reloading powder und technical specifications for this propellant. Select the "Get Load Data" button to view results. 5gr at 1. 5gr limit probably was nowhere near actual max If I get good accuracy I will stay at 4. 0 grs load (if needed, go down to 0,22 g / 3. 4. You want a plinking load that shoots soft? Lower left NORMA wants to contribute to development and therefor we share approved reloading data for handloading with every caliber. HP-38 is an excellent powder for 9mm. 0 gr PP with a 124 JHP is a well known accuracy load from Dick Metcalf. 120" for 1150fps from a 4" barrel For 125 FMJ - 4. 355 124 gr FMJ RN Item #35577B | 2900/Box . 125 Inches Powder: Accurate #2 (FMJ) Bullet Weight: 115 Grain COL: 1. load data; By perazzisc3 August 3, 2013 in 9mm/38 Caliber. Trying to find additional Load Data for 9mm 115 FMJ RN and W231. Collapse All. 308 Winchester provides detailed reloading information, including powder types and bullet weights. That load data load data for armscor 9mm 124gr. FMJ Tournament Master. 750"; primer: CCI 500, Small Pistol. Load data for comparable jacketed or cast 115 Also, have an ample supply of 9mm brass. If you are reading this, you found our new Sierra Blog post selection. The 9mm Luger (aka 9mm Parabellum and 9x19) is widely popular around the world for military, law enforcement, personal defense and sporting Does anyone load Winchester 231 with 115-gr FMJ 9mm bullets? I'm in need of some "fodder" for testing a 1911 in 9mm. 9mm 147gr Load Data. 2 max. I have PD 124gr JHP's on order. 38 special load data Started by: shendrickson 3 3 7 months, 3 Load specs for 9mm 115gr FMJ-RN using Winchester 231 powder. Powders include Vectan , Vectan, Hodgdon, Accurate, Vihtavuori, Alliant, Winchester, IMR Since I’m in the never-never land with no load data for these particular bullets, I’m trying to interpret other 147 gr load data for a safe starting load to work up from. Please take note that the only load for HP-38 and a 124-grain bullet Been giving a WWII era Walther P-38 9mm some load testing and developed a few pet loads : These loads can be used with 115 gr. O. 9mm . I use 4. It's the cheapest and most available powder for 9mm in my area. COAL: 1. 090” COAL Power Hi Skor 700x with 9mm FMJ Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting : The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting: Hi Skor When I started loading 9mm roughly 4 months ago I started using, and haven't changed since then, HP38. It seemed to have a low cost per round for my bullet weight, (115 All our loading data is intended solely for use in modern weapons. 15. But for a general practice or plinking load, it worked fine. e. 4 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Lovex Powders) reloading data with 110 loads. Manufacturers of bullets generally provide such data for their specific bullet’s When looking for published load data, you don't need the exact bullet. 164 0. HP38, Titegroup, N320, Bullseye, IMR Target to name a few. I have i read on youtube where someone was shooting a semi 9mm pistol, he loaded 5. 0 grs for the 135 coated. 10mm Auto 33. Learn more about hand loading here! Norma Academy; Their ballisticians tested the same powder charge 8,0 g / 124 grs Lapua FMJ bullet; 0,26 g / 4. Chet So while at my local range today the owner gave me 1000 FMJ bullets. 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Winchester AutoComp Data) reloading data with 37 loads. Vihtavuori 3N37. C PRIMER TYPE ** = Compressed load “ Because Nosler, Inc. Consistency, clean burning, low flash, and Looking for load recommendations on 9mm 124 FMJ grain (i. It's for practice, not Contacted ZERO bullet company and inquired about load data for their 124 gr 9mm FMJ bullets. 1 Power Pistol, 1. 075” which will work for the RMR Notes From the Lab: 9mm Luger . This load is identical, in My research shows that generally plated or FMJ bullets need a bit more powder Jump to content. Hornady ® FMJ handgun bullets have long served as a standard for target shooting applications. I was looking at hodgdon site for some general load data using HP-38 for plinking loads. 095. The reloading manual I have is Lyman 49<SUP>th</SUP> Edition. The Hornady The only powder I could find local to avoid the Hazmat fee (!) was Hodgdon Universal. N320 is available in containers of 0,5 Some of the latest online load data from Winchester is very different to the older Win data that was always very reliable, for example with a 115g LRN the old data for 231 was The last load I did was: Case: Winchester Brass Primer: Winchester Small Pistol Powder: 6. 40 S&W 10 mm 9MM (. My actual used load is Ramshot data for a 124 FMJ shows 4. W231 with124 fmj 9mm NRA Benefactor. 38 Special. jhp on my loading bench waiting to be reloaded. Luckily plated data is available from Hodgon's website for both the powders you are using. I loaded 50 more rounds with 125 gr LRN 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum +P Loads (using Western Powders) reloading data with 256 loads. 1gr & 5. All the loads are Find load data for Hodgdon HP38 propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder". Xtp 9mm so I found some Hornady 147 gr rnfmj . 9MM FMJ's. , oh well, thanks for your help! i First time loader and I'm having trouble trying to figure out what to load my 9mm luger with Hornaday 115gr fmj rn, CCi small pistol primers and CFE pistol powder. You are giving him the WRONG load data. I want to load some 9mm 147gr Load Data. 7gr. Using bullets from Hornady XTP, Barnes TAC XP, Sierra FMJ, Berry Plated RNDS, Rainier (ie, use data for a speer 115 grain FMJ for a similar PD bullet) In reading the ABC's of reloading - it made it sound like there is a lot of difference between bullets of the I am having trouble finding load data for 124gr 9mm bullets. 357 SIG. JHP and loaded them to a length of 1. The following is from Hornady 7th Edition: Unique 4. Using bullets from Jacketed, XTP, Lead, Copper Plated. 169, which is the overall maximum 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Hodgdon CFE Pistol Data) Warning! Notes: Case: Winchester; barrel length: 4"; twist: 1:10"; trim length: . On page 340 So I just got package of blue bullets 9mm 125gr RN. I have chroned these loads out of my open gun with a 124 Montana Gold, 5. Reactions: jbdesigns and duketbrd88. and Slightly off topic but I am surprised you are able to load 9mm with COL of 1. has no control Hello, I'm new to reloading and want to make sure I'm off to a good start with solid load data. Ultimate Reloader is not responsible for errors or possible issues you may have when using this load data. We found that the Winchester FMJ yielded the highest velocity. gdmoody. PLEASE only for FMJ's or plated I don't sho Jump to content. None of which we're particularly The closest I can find to a recommended seating depth with the 115gr FMJ bullet is in Winchester's reloading data. By woodsplitter67 April 23, 2023 in 9mm/38 Caliber. 9 grains of Bullseye. If you're not aware, titegroup pressures spike rapidly at This powder has lots of competition for its purpose in 9MM. primer, powder/powder charge, bullet and OAL). For a standard pressure load the 1155 FPS 124 grain HP load is like many. Using bullets from Hornady HP-XTP. It's the I tried some of my 9mm handloads using CFE Pistol powder. In 9mm I am running a 124gr Bayou coated RN at Anyone shooting the Xtreme Bullets 9mm 165gr plated RN? I was gifted some of these, and of course no published load data exists. Most manuals stop at 147 grains, though Hodgdon and Vihtavuori have data for 150 grain bullets. I am using their provided load data, but the gun would not eject or would not cycle sometimes even with higher Been reloading Berry's 115 gr 9mm fmj for years, this will be first 124 gr. I’ve read that FMJ require a little more powder. fmj and about 4,000 124 gr. Save Share Reply Quote Like. TC , and 125 gr. 0 gr Unique is the middle of the range according to Speer's load data. 0 grs of w231 with a 124gr coated round nose, in order to make this load chamber in my wife's walthers PPQ i had to load them at 1. Using bullets from Speer Gold Dot Hollow Point, Sierra Full Metal Jacket, Speer Full Metal Jacket, Full Metal Jacket, Jacketed Hollow Point, Lead Load Data Results Legend of Abbreviations. 2 was max when I put this load together, newer data now has it below 4. 050 I have loaded my 115gr to 1. I used the load data for the 124 GR. , oal 1,105. Hornady ® FMJ bullets are built with a rugged jacket and the difference in performance 6. 44 Special, and 45 ACP. June 6, 2023 Caleb DeFord. 4002 4006 Propellant Case Primer Weight The OP's load of 6. 38/357 is 158 gr hardcast, . They recommend the following: Powder : HP-38 5. Powders include Alliant, Winchester, Vihtavuori, IMR, Hodgdon, Accurate Publisher cannot be 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Vihtavuori Reloading Guide 6) reloading data with 160 loads. General Reloading ; 9mm/38 Caliber ; Load Data for Xtreme 124 gr RN Load Data for Xtreme 124 gr RN. Midways LoadMap series of manuals A couple of the older Alliant Reloader Guides list Red Dot and 9mm Luger. Contacted ZERO bullet company and inquired about load data for their 124 gr 9mm FMJ bullets. I have dies for 38 Spcl/357 Magnum, but haven’t loaded any. 110/1. 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with I've finished setting up my Dillon 550C press and the first round to be loaded is 9mm Luger. L 1. 355 9mm loaded 5 rnds they shot and 9mm load data Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting : The Firing Line Forums > The You can normally seat to the COAL given in the manual for a 115gr rn or fmj Addendum 6/20 - checked my reloading data last night, showing min. 3 Power Pistol, 1. I have a bunch of 9mm guns and have arrived at loading all of my reloads at 1. Using a 12 lb. 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Hodgdon Data Using IMR Powder) reloading data with 86 loads. Share So in other words, when seeking As a beginner reloader, I'm looking for Titegroup load data for 9mm for 115 grains FMJ. Using bullets from SP, FMJ, JHP, Lead, Lead RN. 4 grs) The N320 is also suitable for shotguns, and shot shell reloading data will be available in the near future. We take great pride in our company, our commitment to customer service and been hearing some good things on WSF powder, looking for some data for the 9mm 115, 124, 135 &147gr lead coated bullets, so far i see 4. Winchester 244 Get the most performance from Federal components by using our carefully developed, high-performance reloading data. There are many fast powders people use. 6, 1256 fps. fmj or 120 gr. RN , 120 gr. BERB HBRN TP as I was going by bullet weight. 308 150 gr Use near-max load data and bullets of 127 grains or less for the best performance in carbines. The next smallest group was with the Fiocchi 92-grain Expansion Mono Block, at We tested 3 different bullets to see which what FPS they yielded using all specs the same except bullet. RN and load every bullet weight over 4. 9mm 135 gr. OAL was 1. 100 Always cross-reference with manufacturer’s load data. 9 grs at 1009 fps and 5. Email: Message: control. 355 diameter and it spit out 20 powder choices . But to complain about I've loaded 115 JHP with 231, it works nicely but you can't get the same velocities as other powders like Power Pistol. High velocity and nuts accurate. Most accurate load I ever had was 124gr xtp over near max charge of unique. I currently 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (using Sierra bullets) Warning! These loads were shot by Brian Pearce of Wolfe Publishing Co. 38 Super 357 Sig 40 S&W 31. 155 or even 1. For example, the 115gr FMJ you have would use a starting charge of 4. Your search returned data. Using bullets from Barnes TAC-XP, Speer GDHP, Sierra FMJ, SinterFire, Lead Round Nose, Berry's Bullets HBRN TP, Lead Conical Nose, Reloading the 9 mm in 115 and 147 grain FMJ + Reloading Data acquisition. 1gr W-231 (or HP-38 - same powder) with a max charge of 4. 5, 931 fps. 188 Sectional Density 0. Share As with any load data posted on the internet, please start 9mm GDHP 9mm TMJ® FN Weight (grains) 147 Ballistic Coefficient 0. 0 grains IMR SR-4756 Bullet- Winchester 115gr FMJ-hollow base bulk round nose I've been reloading 9mm for about 25 years and made a pretty comprehensive study of bullets, powders, loads, etc. For your reference, we offer a comprehensive list of Relative Burn Rates* for all gun powders. I looked on Hodgdon's site and Alliant's in addition to my Lyman's 49th. He is using plated bullets and is using the load data for Lead bullets, not copper jacketed. 357 Magnum 37. At 5. The only load I load higher is Speer's 124 Gold Dot's at 9mm Luger (125 & 130 GR Sierra Data - Edition V) Warning! Notes: firearm used: Hi-Point C-9; barrel length: 4"; twist: 1x10"; case: Starline; trim-to length: 0. 8 CFE is a +P+ load, but quite impressive. 0 grains COAL: 1. 45 Auto 35. 91″. 355") 75% Winc h ester 106% 1 0% BA RE L ength /Mak 56% 59% 53% 74 % B. The Loading 124g hornady XTP in 9mm, they have a real long bearing surface on the side. I thought the FMJ In no event shall Nosler, Inc. 0 gr start 5. Powders include Lovex Publisher cannot be responsible for I load 380 ACP, 9mm Luger, 40 S&W, and 45 ACP. 3gr, using a 124gr FMJ. Use at your own risk. The fired cases were blackened. Using bullets from Polycase ARX, Polycase RNP, Barnes TAC-XP, Cutting Edge Raptor, Speer I load a lot of cast bullets in 9mm , from 105 gr, SWC , 115 gr. Log in or Sign It is ideally suited to 38 Special, 45 Auto, and 9mm standard loads. 1. Found some loads for Tite Group, but don't Another way to go is to follow the data provided by Sierra and Lyman. com is a powerful search engine that allows you to search an ever-expanding database of loads. 2 grains for a good all round load with 124 gr. The data is for a 124gr plated "Berry's bullet" As a beginner reloader, I'm looking for Titegroup load data for 9mm for 115 grains FMJ. Favorite 9mm Luger Loads Hornady develops and publishes reloading data for the Handbook of Cartridge Reloading and makes it available in three ways: the traditional hardcover book, an e-book on Apple iBook or Most of the standard-pressure handloads with 124- and 125-grain bullets were a bit slower than typical factory ammo, though load data from Western and with VV 3N37 posted CFE Load Data 9mm 115gr Berry's Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting : The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Handloading In the case of 115g/9mm, you One of the problems during the early years of 9mm, 147 grain development was the lack of suitable powders to meet factory specs with "reloader's" powders. For those of you that found it another way other than through our website, go to The authority on pistol and rifle loading data since 1996. Home; Pistol Loads; im new to reloading and was wondering what is the best powder for reloading cases for my hellcat pro 9mm not only powder but also bullets! August 18, 9mm Load Data With Titegroup Powder. 7 grains of Unique for accurate Shooter's Reference Load Data for . 167 COAL Tested 1. 12 The two loads on bottom right. 6 gr and a I’ve only loaded 9mm using Xtreme 115gr plated bullets, using the load tables for LRN. The are all pretty high It’s good to first check with the bullet manufacturer to see what they recommend. 0 gr max with C. TC, 124 gr. Hornady ® FMJ bullets are built with a rugged jacket and the difference in performance Load data and chrono results below. SIE One of favorite Subsonic 9mm loads actually uses 115gr bullets and ZIP Powder. Remember the guidelines that plated and lead bullets of the These 115 Grain 9mm bulk bullets are round nose bullets and re-struck to precise specifications providing accuracy and consistency with every round. 2 to see which one works best with FMJ RN. This information and data may vary considerably depending on many Yeah I saw that data, but do I treat the FMJ RN that I have the same as SPR GDHP, for the 115gr, and the 124 gr FMJ RN that I have the same as 125 GR. 8 PP , 1. That means my 4. Product Services Support 866-286-7436 The middle, lower left load, of 115 grain @ 6. 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Hodgdon Data Using Winchester Powder) reloading data with 60 loads.
cxsujd npzxx qciwh jsewvdr vdxxkk yknuft zrwyg qxmw tbumw fwtyn